Published at 7th of April 2022 09:25:08 AM

Chapter 297: 297: I Concede

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"I'm afraid the Academy's female population—and maybe even some males—would ravage over your betrothed if he were to go out looking the way he is now."

Master and disciple walked down the corridors, a peaceful atmosphere between them despite the raging storm outside.

When Ethan and Death arrived at the dining room, Grandmaster Wei thought that his disciples invited another guest; a celebrity.

He was bemused and in disbelief when Ethan introduced himself again—even going as far as to put on his glasses to see if he wasn't going senile.

But of course, he was only jesting. He knew that the boy was wearing a disguise like his second disciple as soon as his line of sight fell on him.

He was acting oblivious just so he could crack Ethan's unwavering his temperament.

Also, he doesn't want to admit that the boy was eminently good-looking.

Lillie smiled fondly and amusedly at her master's roundabout way of saying that Ethan was aesthetically pleasing in the eyes.

Grandmaster Wei realized that his second disciple understood him, so he quickly added, "Don't tell him I said that."

"This disciple will keep it to herself." Soft giggles ruptured through her lips.

The two haven't yet gotten close to the dining room, and already, they could hear the pandemonium happening inside. Not even the storm's noise could outdo it.

They could hear Death's disgruntled screeching and Ethan's affronted reprimands echoing through compound's main hall.

"Let go, you unrefined boy toy! How dare you obstruct I, your father, from having a meal at my own home!"

"If I'm unrefined, then you're sh*t! Learn to wait, you impertinent moron!"

"I wait any longer and this food will go cold! Beating the sense of having a warm meal!"

"Not until my wife and the master arrives. I'm not letting you eat a single dumpling or try to take a single drop of the wine!"

"You! From the beginning, you always try to stop everything I do! Stop being so obsessed with me, I'm not gay!"

"Your mother! Don't flatter yourself, you halfwit!"

"What did you just call me, boy toy?!"

One point was added in Grandmaster Wei's mental scoreboard.

Hm, there is someone who can hold a candle with his good-for-nothing first disciple, and even manage to counter his poison tongue.

"Your betrothed have quite the temper, doesn't he?"

"He's usually that."

"Well, he's certainly something if even your Senior Brother sees him as an opponent deserving to receive his tongue lashing."

Lillie felt conflicted if she should be glad that Grandmaster Wei finds Ethan's ability to stand on equal ground with her Senior Brother's childishness...commendable.

"Shall we stop those children before they make a mess of our dinner?"



"Marvelous job, Little Flower! Your plum wine is nearing closer in surpassing mine." Grandmaster heartily took another sip of the luscious beverage on his porcelain cup.

Lillie inclined her head in gratitude of her master's praise and refilled his cup again.

Standing up from her seat, she carried a tray with assorted delicacies and a cup of her plum wine. She brought it over to her Senior Brother, who was on time-out at a corner, facing the wall.

He should be grateful that the master didn't kicked him out because of his ruckus. Though, that might've actually been better than to have a huge lump on the head due to the master's mighty punch.

But this is her glutton of a Senior Brother we're talking about. He'll choose food over beatings anytime.

"Here you go, Senior Brother." Lillie settled the tray down next to the moping albino.

"Not fair. Why isn't he on time-out too?" A childish grumble came from the a.d.u.l.t man as he pointed at Ethan regally sitting with them by the table.

"It's because you started it." That should've been an obvious answer already.

If Death heard this, he would fervently shake his head in disagreement.

No, Junior Sister, I'm certain that your boy toy would receive the same punishment as I if it weren't for your presence.

This is just the master being courteous with you.

I would even bet my own fortune that once you leave your boy toy to the master's clutches, that would be the last time you'll see him.

"If you promise to be civil, I'll talk to the master to let you join us." She coaxed.

Ah, his Junior Sister is like a double edged sword. A dangerous weapon for both opponent and wielded.

"Fine...I concede."

Ethan Li, how lucky you are to have my Junior Sister's backing!

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