Published at 4th of May 2022 05:31:08 AM

Chapter 181: 180 words. Spices and poison needles on the wound.

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After Spice's Moya cleared, Mr. Luke had dozens of tiny needles stabbed at his fingertips.

His gear is, of course, the finest, so I don't stab a needle... only fingertips that release arrows, I can't put my protective gear on.

Ian poked me at that weakness.

"Due to my style of combat, I didn't know they were going to target my fingertips and poison me that I'd become defenseless... I'm just embarrassed"

Mr. Luke would know his weakness, too, but Ian, who got his attention on his face with spice, was good at one.

"When I was hit in a mock fight, I realized right away that I had a bad personality... but it's a harsh hand for Mr. Luke who seems nice"

My handsome butler is a guy with a cool face and no eggs......

"Pfft. Ian, you have a bad personality. ♪ But you must be really scared from here."

"Oh, we just have to hope Mr. Luke surrenders early."

Ian is the type of person who can beat a weak opponent with a stick without hesitation, and it would be hell for Mr. Luke.

Even now, he is relentlessly attacking him with an air arrow as well as preparing a spice cannon/second round.

"If you pull out a needle and get poisoned potion, even though an ambush would be pointless, you're still intolerant ~"

"Mr. Luke's hands are paralyzed and he can't even stop shooting arrows. I'm desperately avoiding it, so I haven't gotten a big scratch yet... but don't be pathetic."

Nina is right, Ian is relentlessly wavy attacking.

I hate losing in handsome skins, so once I show you the gap, you're going to be jerked off until you surrender.

I've actually had a mock fight with him, I'm sure because we say so.

The scariest part of our party would definitely be Ian.

"Mr. Luke, you don't have time to pull the needle out. Right."

"Oh. It's just a matter of time before the poison turns all over your body, though it's holding up at a high level. Nina, I need you to prepare a superior poison removal potion."


"Ian, you lost! I surrender!"

A few minutes later... as we expected, Mr. Luke couldn't move and raised the white flag.

"Roger that, Mr. Luke! Sorry. Your body, are you okay!?

The cuts from the relentless pursuit are also quite painful, like spices and poisonous needles.

"Sorry for the rude way we fought. You're going to pull out the needle now."

Ian also lurks a shadow in his ruthlessness until earlier, and hastily handles it.

"I'm sorry I let you help me. Thank you, Ian. I lost, but it was fun."

"This one was fun. I wash my wound, so it hurts a little. Excuse me!"

"Thank you. You're such a funny kid."

Mr. Luke was beaten in front of a large crowd of adventurers watching after a scattered wave.

But I have no negative feelings for Ian's eyes.

Either that or it's Grandpa's eyes looking at his grandson, who's been splendid.

"I'm sorry about our men. Use this potion. Damaged equipment will also be fully reimbursed"

While I apologize for Ian's lack of egoism, I offer to make amends.

"You don't have to worry about it. Because of the S-rank, it's worse to lose to the exams... But it's a corner favor, and I think I'll get a potion."

"No, let me also make up for armor and magic bags"

It's called a handful in the Nina battle, it's called the way you treat me... maybe you like kids, Mr. Luke.

I don't know about treating Ian like a child, but from an elf's point of view, 19 would be a child.

We negotiated hard after that and managed to get them to accept the reimbursement for the equipment.

I've been turned down many times if it's no big deal, but it's an absolute loss in white gold units, and it's big enough!

"Mr. Ian. I missed the time to say, congrats on passing the A-rank exam. You can go up to S-rank any day."

After healing the wound in the potion, Luke, who was talking to us, suddenly passed Ian.

Well, I beat the S-rank adventurer, so I deserved to pass, but I was a little concerned, so I'm relieved.

"Thank you. I'm glad you told Mr. Luke that."

Ian, who was told he could be S-ranked, blushes and illuminates his cheeks.

"Ian, Nina. Happy A-rank promotion, both of you! A lot of members went up to the B C ranks today, and we'll all celebrate the promotion when we get home."

"Nice! We'll make delicious rice with plenty of fine ingredients."

"I hope so, Nina"

Oh, but anyway...

"Mr. Luke. Because of this. So, why don't we have a friendly meeting?

He took on the A-rank examiner, and he said he caused trouble in connection with it... thanks for taking care of him.

"Sounds like fun. I'll do my best to make yours, too!

Nina seems to agree.

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to Nina's food, which she fed me before, because it was so delicious."

All right, Mr. Luke came up too!

Today it's Daiki and I'll squeak as much as I want!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!