Published at 4th of May 2022 05:29:56 AM

Chapter 233: 232 Has the enemy lost their ability to fight?

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Soil magic pushes up the bottom of the pit and examines the body of the enemy caught in the trap.

It's not very pleasant, but it's an important clue to the enemy.

"Is he about 40 years old? From the looks of the outfit, it's probably a scourge."

I looked it up in the appraisal, and the status was also repulsive.

The enemy must have escaped us because he had a gift.

"The blood hasn't solidified yet. It hasn't been that far since he died."

Right, Esther.

There are no major lacerations caused by the spear, so the cause of death can be presumed to be caused by poison.

We couldn't find it by detecting the signs, but the enemy must still be close by.

"That's where the quality of the protective equipment is. It's a level used by lower nobles and lower A-rank adventurers."

"Ian, he's the Viscount's third son. I'm pretty clean, so I guess the other members are noble."

When you're a veteran adventurer, you struggle because you don't know what you're going to do... but people from aristocracy are easy to read in their actions.

Because of education, behavioral patterns become textbook-like.

"Let's retrieve his weapons and protective equipment. Give it to your clan members later and they'll be delighted!

"Right, brother"

The weapon he was using drops in rank over ours.

Still, it's a luxury product that the average adventurer can't handle.

The quality of the party member's gear improved after I found out that I could reenchant my weaponry with Alchemy Magic.

We no longer have to replace it every time, so we can spare no money and spend a single piece of the finest.

Ian bought it for me, using Griffon materials and Orihalcon equipment, and Ian has the finest equipment in the whole body.

Griffon's protective equipment is light, comfortable, and of first-class strength, so it is a treasure.

Marina and Nina are a cuteness priority, but the yarn we use for the fabric belongs to Queen Silk Spider, so our defenses are perfect.

Nina's shield uses dragon scales, so a few swords won't scratch one.

Is Esther the only one who has an attachment or uses the protective gear I gave her when I left the country... because she is a substitute for two or more white gold coins.

The performances are the finest and not the worst because they are demonically modified to sew in dragon beards or put Orihalcon breasts on them.

"Uh-huh, you wanted to crush the main wizard if you could"

"Right, Nina. But if you crush the scouts, your opponent's sensing power should drop all at once."

A party that holds gifts and is the type of party where scouts go to investigate on their own.

That means the scouts were responsible for the majority of the situation...

Assuming the enemy is a party like ours where we can all use sign detection, it won't be a trap for one scout.

I rarely act differently to ascertain the situation.

"It's huge that I was able to crush the guy who had an important role. Instead, they should be wary of traps in the future, so you can't use the same hands."

When you flee back to the Kingdom of Nazareth, you will be in trouble later, so I'd like to finish it in Los Saltas territory...

"Well... the Explorer has been crushed, let's attack him again with sign detection"

"Master, what do you mean?

"It is likely that our ability to detect now exceeds our enemies. So if we do everything we can, we can find someone. Nina."

If you do, the enemy hasn't gone that far, now's your chance.

Range attack next, hunt down your enemies!

I carry Nina's basket and run behind the Ians.

The granting magician is an important person, and Ian and Esther told me to stay back in case there should be.

This time the range of action is going to be wider, so Esther, Nina and Marina, who are lightweight, are explorers, and me and Ian are in charge of the move.

Switching buffs to physical enhancement mode makes it easy to run with people on board.

From the chest of my armor, Marina is giving me a good peek in the face.

From the side, it would look like Harlem.

"Brother, we have captured the signs that we believe to be enemies."

Esther, who was riding the basket Ian carried and exploring the surrounding situation with signs detection, raised her voice.

"Copy that. Tell me how many people and what you noticed."

"There are four opponents. The place is about 9 miles west of here. I hear you're concerned, negative feelings... you have a strong grudge."

I see.

That matches the trait I was expecting.

"9 miles west... Ah, there you are. I was caught critical. Maybe all four of them are men!

"It's moving away from us. It looks like you didn't notice this sign."

Nina and Marina, who have turned their attention to Esther's direction, find the enemy and supplement it.

"Okay. Nina and Marina, keep following the signs of the enemy. Let's switch to battle buffs."

"" "" Yes!

Who lets one escape!

I'll take them all down and reduce the risk of any extra interference in the fight inside Nazareth!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!