Published at 4th of May 2022 05:35:16 AM

Chapter 5: Five stories. Enforcement in exile!

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Now I'm at the West Gate of the King's Capital.

The moratorium on deportation from the King's capital is until today, so we are finally leaving the Kingdom of Rosarta.

Only Esther and Elsa and a few other servants came to see me off.

Oh, my mother was in the other world when I was little, so she's not here now.

"Brother, how are you? … I sincerely hope you will leave the country safely"

"Thank you, Esther.... Esther, I'll do this to you. Open it after I leave the country."

"Brother?... Yes. After your brother leaves the country, we will take a look."

I gave Esther a box containing paper with an appraisal card and a list of qualities noted.

Now I can leave without worries.


The gate opens at five o'clock in the morning.

If you don't get to the lodging town of Rio by the end of the day, you'll be the feather of a wild boarding house with anxiety, so hurry out of the gate.

There were also a few pairs of adventurers and merchants around, but no one was involved in wanting to get close to the crying Duke's man (Esther).

The accommodation town of Rio, which we plan to head to now, is a two-day walk west of the Wang capital Ruta.

The road to Rio is maintained only close to the King's Capital, and the monsters only come out of low-ranking ones, but they are quite a distance from the King's Capital.

Even the adventurer seems to be going wild overnight, but the wild accommodation is suddenly too harsh for me right now, so I plan to take full advantage of my physical enhancement skills and equipment with an enchant to run through the streets.

My physical enhancement skills now are < Level 25 >, and the total physical enhancements I've enchanted in my gear are +27.

Calculate that I am now equivalent to Physical Enhancement Skill Level 52.

I appraised the wrong knight yesterday and as a guide to my skill level, something felt like one serving (a full knight without a position) at level 20.

Given that, level 52 would have considerable power.

... I'm not very tired now that I've been going fast for about an hour.

If you were running around thinking about that in your spare time, the carriage that fell over in front of you and about 10 goblins, people and tons of goblin corpses? I see it.

Looks like Goblin's noticing this way too...


Rank: G

Skills: Bar 6/Body Enhancement 8

Goblins with the same status as this one…… 2…… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9…, a total of 9, all holding sticks (like trees)?

At first glance I'm going to lose, but when I recently appraised a paired soldier yesterday, my physical enhancement skills seem to boost (at a value of about 50% of my physical enhancement skills) to swordsmanship and martial arts... I'm extraordinarily higher in stats.

I think you can win if you calm down.

Believe in your status and the swords and equipment you enchant, the Goblins will slash you.

Because it was my first real battle, I didn't have time to think about beautiful swordsmanship or anything, I just wielded my sword as far as I could.

Ha ha............ I could finally knock out the goblins.

I should have been hit several times along the way, but it doesn't hurt and I don't see any scratches.

Good thing I gave out expensive money and bought some fancy gear.

Fortunately, neither nausea from the gut odor nor guilt from killing the organism came to pass, so hurry up and do the stripping.

Only the left ear and demon stone at the Crusade Proof site can be stripped from the goblin.

... I honestly don't want to touch the goblin because it's creepy, but it's a joke that the adventurer can't strip it off or something, and I push the disgust to kill it and just strip it off.

The demon stone was buried near the heart and I thought it might be difficult to remove it, but the cleavage of the knife on the misril was awesome and I succeeded in lightly removing it.

.................. I was in a hurry when I realized that if I had been misoriented to pierce the knife, I would have had a feather to wear blood all over my body.

Next, go to someone who is falling on the side.

... they are all obviously dead...

The nausea came in and I threw up as much as I wanted on the spot.

I know I can't be an adventurer, but it'll be hard to get used to human corpses.

I think he probably threw up about enough.

... For now I thought it would be bad if I was exposed to a outfit full of gaps in a place like this, and I managed to get up.

I don't seem to get used to it for the time being, but now I need to do what I have to do......

That's what I thought, stripping clothes, weapons, gold and equipment from the corpse, and the carriage...... was broken, so I clasp the load inside and throw it into the item box.

In this world, it is not a sin to take away the belongings of a man who was attacked by demons and died.

If left alone, the monsters will take it away, so Ning Luo recommends it.

By taking the bodies and artifacts to the city and delivering them to the guild, we can also expect buybacks from the victims' families, but I want to leave this country soon... I thought it would be bad for the victims' survivors, but I decided not to report them.

After doing my first monster killing and stripping job like that, I drank a potion and dashed down the street again.

I ran into goblins several times along the way, but I was able to win without any particular bitterness.

...... but i lost a lot of time in stripping so after next time i'm going to strip it all together after i get to town.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!