Published at 4th of May 2022 05:20:43 AM

Chapter 637: Episode 636: Dungeon Master's Bullshit

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Mr. Bob... I can understand the intentions of the Zalvatron Empire and that they are really being hunted down.

Mr. Canon's Mosquito, which was used for spy surveillance, was also taken out when Mr. Bob arrived, and the sound barrier was erected, so there was no need to worry about information leakage.

For the rest, I don't know how I'm going to move.....

“Bob, I know you couldn't tell an outsider about the country.However, the price of involving unrelated Zink-kun in three promotion matches won't match! "

"I know. That's why I said," If you don't agree, kill me and collect my affidavit. "I can't pull back from my position. "

"Wait... you can't kill the S ranks of other countries so easily!?"Although it is compatible, it will be framed for rigorous investigation afterwards, and the story I just heard will disappear! "

"Even if they say so."It was difficult to fish for money, and I didn't have enough nostalgia.You have a big shop, right?No matter what you think, you don't have a sense of money. "

"Of course, I became a millionaire at some point, so I wouldn't be able to move it until I loaded it with platinum coins."... so that's not the problem! "

At the beginning of the conversation, I was more worried about Will, who was trying to fulfill his role as an intermediary with a bloodshot face than Bob, who had decided to be prepared.

If salt supplies are cut off and civil strife erupts, his own brother, a nobleman in the Zaluvan Empire, is likely to die or fall.

"Friendly" sounds good, but... the level of incompetence that didn't stop Will from running away when he was 13 years old doesn't help him endure the turbulent period.

Will knew how to solve the problem, so he was desperately trying to find a solution for Bob.....

"It's impossible to keep everything together," he concluded in himself, "so perhaps this is how disturbed he is.

Will is too sorry to stay like this, so I'll send out a rescue boat with the knowledge that I'm going to crush his men.

"It's cool to complain later, and I don't mind the conclusion I just made."No matter the circumstances, I am not dissatisfied with the wording of the affidavit that obliges me to perform. "

So... I thought it was okay to suffer disadvantage, so I did not pursue it when I remembered the discomfort, but confirmed it after the contract.

I've been prepared from the beginning for this kind of trouble, and I'm cute compared to all the scum that get tangled up from one to the next.

"Jink-sama (Jink-kun)....."

"And Mr. Bob." Please listen to what I'm about to say, thinking it's a "kid's bullshit."... I think the Cosmo Labyrinth is starving. "

“Are you hungry? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

"I want you to imagine... if you continue harvesting without spraying fertilizer, the soil in the fields will not grow thin crops, right?"

"Ah, ahh..."

"Like the fields, I think the labyrinth is unilaterally stolen and starved.Sometimes the labyrinth where only the goblins come out becomes a "mere cave" after a few years. "

It's a secret I definitely don't want to know about being a dungeon master... but it's good to look at the flow of nature and tell the cause.

If the emperor moved at a stage when the salt concentration was diminishing, instead of panicking after the salt was depleted, he might really get a kid's bullshit.

"Of course, it's unnatural to be told!"Mana needs health to use her magic, and it takes energy to swing her weapon, but the labyrinth doesn't demand anything from her. "

"When I see that the body of a deceased adventurer is absorbed in time, I think that's the price for that kind of thing."And garbage and excrement. "

Technically, life energy, mana residue, and vein energy are the main staples... but they can't be taught by stones.

However, you should be more convinced by what you actually see, and if you eat household garbage and the remains of criminals, you will accumulate energy points, so there will be no problem.

All you have to do is give them something they don't need.

"I appreciate your sympathy and dedication, Master Zink."As soon as I get back to the inn, I'll write a report to His Majesty. "

“Yes, it's a hypothesis I've never tested before, but I'm confident.”

If the Emperor Zwei could test this plan... the salt shortage in the Zalu Battle Empire could be eliminated without resorting to other countries.

That said, having only one source of supply doesn't change the risk.....

"Hey Will, is the Kingdom of Qualor forbidding the export of salt?If you admit it and pay customs duties, it'll be gold. "

"Well... it used to be forbidden to cover its own consumption, but the law was amended after the Losartan domination.Zink, I was wondering if all of this would fit together if the production of salt were to return according to your plan. "

"That's right." "The theory of eating mush in the labyrinth", hopefully it's hit ~ "

It's not good to have a 100% supply of salt in your rival country, but I don't think you can complain enough to build a trade route as insurance.

Even from the point of view of the Quor government... a country that causes civil unrest in a situation where the demon king is imminent may have to be crushed because of its uneven feet...

There are some lands that were to be eaten during the post-war reconstruction period (the Moorish God Empire), and now the top of the financial cutlet is not so free to attack a decent country.

I haven't caught up with the system yet, but I don't think that the black government will miss this opportunity to make up for the fiscal deficit by simply encouraging the export of salt.....

I'm sure they'll do a "good faith deal" by ordering an emerging aristocrat on the coast of Los Salta Nazar that they don't plan to crush.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!