Published at 4th of May 2022 05:20:26 AM

Chapter 649: Episode 648: Parents' Heartless Son

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~ Monkey Battle Emperor Zwei Side ~

"I can't believe you're driving me to the point where I decide to run away from home..."I wish I were more spoiled. I'll let you "play adventurer" while you're in the Mansion..... "

Looking at Uncle Rominan, who was not crying, a question arose with pity.

Lord Will is renowned as a virtuous person who supports the Princess of Healing, and he is good at diplomacy, even as a negotiator of the Holy Kung Fu.

Although at a young age, it is difficult to imagine that he would bend his heels to the point of reproach and have roots for more than 20 years.....

"Huh, Count, haven't you heard from your son?"Even if we can't meet at a distance, we should be able to send a letter through the guild. "

And if you bribe the guild official who seems to be in trouble with the money, and look into the shipping route for the letter, you could probably find out where Lord Will is.

"I haven't heard anything, but only one letter came in late last year.It only says, "I wish you a life as an adventurer..."

"Hmm. It's good to know you're alive."If you wait a long time, I'll come back to you in time "

"Yes, but the goblins and Cobolts beat my child..."Just "alive" doesn't even know if you're eating enough. "

If you're not mistaken, don't tell me you burned low-ranked monsters and earned more than 10 times as much.

It is wonderful for parents to worry about their children.

"I see. And... what route did you take for the letter from my son?"Didn't you think I'd follow you? "

"Are you going to follow...?" One evening... a bird poked the window of the study...When I opened it, there was a letter in the pochette on my neck. ”

I see.

Did Will warn you beforehand about the pursuit?

"I knew somehow that if I deposited something with the bird, it would reach Will... I replied in a hurry, so I made him hold it with my pocket money.I hope you can read it.... "


Uncle Rominan seemed unaware, but it was almost certain that his son was Lord Will.

From now on, it is not unlikely that Will will contact you.

Either Tamer or Summoner... I can tell you have enough money to send a letter without using an existing route...

Recently, I have been contacted, so it is likely that I skipped my parents' home when I promoted to S rank.

"Uncle Rominan, I know exactly what happened to that person."Don't hesitate to ask, as it will help you in the event of an emergency. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your generosity... If a man named Will becomes a prisoner of war in the future, I will not be enslaved..."


In the meantime, let's increase the number of facilities these guys manage (without using) by 2-3, and raise the salary to 1 annual platinum coin.

You can introduce your second son to a single wife by having an appraiser check on his status.

Two days after the game with Bob and the homecoming conversation.

I accompanied Will and Karen to the Rise Festival and the third qualifying round.

From the third qualifying round, Ian Gill, Esther, and other potential winners will compete... and so will Alto, Bogard, and many others.

I'm going to support you from start to finish with a special seat with a view!

"Huh? Will... what is Karen doing?"

"What...? Will and I are expecting to win or lose the third qualifying round."If you bet on places that seem to have a high chance of winning, you'll make a good profit ♪ "

Ah, government-sponsored public gambling.

Yesterday, I wagered 10 platinum coins for the victory of Gil-kun Ian Esther.

Because it's my order, the magnification is not a big deal.

"Hmph. In the meantime, ten platinum coins will be lost in the first round of the bogard."I don't think there's an easy opportunity to make money so far.Let me make some money! "

"As usual, you love money ~ Will."I think Gilbert will win too, so I'll keep 15 platinum coins for the loss of the boggarts. "

Will and Karen, a group of qualified seeds, gamble relentlessly for a platinum coin in a defeat.

There, Chris was betting on pocket money... but if you stack this much platinum, the multiplier will go down, and your earnings will be small ~.

By the way, where else would you put it?

"My main target is Alto-kun."Because the opponent is more famous, so the multiplier is high.We'll split it up so it doesn't seem suspicious, and put in the platinum coins! "

"I have more assets than Will, so I'm going to subdivide and throw it at you and this maid unit."Trick or treat, you have to earn it safely ♪ "

Will's family would be stunned to see that he was "strict"... but it was the essence of an adventurer to aim for money with risk awareness.

I'm sorry about Chris, but I'll bet about 10 more platinum coins on the cheap cards.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!