Published at 4th of May 2022 05:15:00 AM

Chapter 896: Episode 895: The Angry Carrier Type

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"Gil, thank you for your hard work. This time when you were a boggard, you hugged me and didn't snap!"

"Fufu, thanks for the towel♪, Jink-kun... honestly, Bob-sama won't let you down." If I folded the mackerel, it would smell like clothes, and I stopped it. "

That said, after hugging me and Tano-kun, I moved to Nina Esther Marina and started playing with the three of them.

Huh? No? Sniff?

I think Gil usually hugs people like Mr. Boggard or Mr. Will who have a body odor appropriate to Odyssey...

Is there a difference in smell between them and Mr. Bob?

I think Gil wanted to say, "I don't want to unnecessarily cling to an unforgiving opponent." It's a game that you can win without breaking your bones. "

Ouch! Bob is a good man, but he is a nobleman belonging to the Zalu Battle Empire, and he is not inside the territory because he moves in the "Fatherland First")

Somehow, the same air was flowing between Gil and Bob when Esther had an "aristocratic relationship", so I felt uncomfortable.

Gil, since you carry the title of Marquis of the Kingdom of Qualor, you're shaking politely on the surface, but.....

From time to time, there may be intimidation, breaking Bob's heart with a destructive cockroach operation, and the idea of "showing off the difference in character and manipulating it conveniently".

Koso (Tatano-sama, there's also that... but Bob-san tried to use Master and Will before. I think that "retaliation" is the main thing)

[I know, the depletion of the salt labyrinth, right? It's no use considering Bob's position, and I've already heard that he's been retaliated against...... Ian, isn't it?) '

"Shit (I was ashamed of my promotion exam, but Master Gill didn't have a chance to retaliate directly. Fortunately, I think it was aimed at mental destruction)

Coso (Wow, that's very attentive! Even after Bob said "surrender", the cockroach that was supposed to be stopped continued to move. I'm scared ~)

"That's all. I love Master and Will. Therefore, after winning the" bet ", please be a little modest in your war methods."

Koso (Yes, I understand. Ian, you're probably sweet, too)

Coso (Well... because I'm the oldest at the party?)

Ian and Tatano are watching me, Gil, and Bob, and they're spoken to... I wonder if they're making any kind of bad tricks about the next match?

Bob is unlucky not to be able to turn down the opponent (= diplomacy) of a promotion match from a standpoint, and to be able to hit an irrational attack from a "brute of merciless character" ~.

Gil levelled the bumpy ground while healing with Esther Nina Marina's skin.....

The main thing is to move to the game between Tatano and Bob. [M]

Tatano-kun, who has also defeated the Demon King as a brave man, should be able to stand around without knowing what was in his hand, so I don't think he can see the battle with all his might.....

I look forward to seeing what kind of match it will be because it is a valuable opportunity to see the scenes that compete with Matomo.

"Everyone belongs to us, quietly!" I was just about to start a match between the S-ranked Shield Warlock < Bob > and the A-ranked Swordsman < Ashura >. Assemble them in the middle of the training ground! ”

»» »» »» »» »

The spectators at the venue are mostly quasi-private and junior nobles who are unrelated to power....

I was not informed that Tadano-kun was a former hero, and thought that the "S-rank promotion test that was to be carried out by chance", so I came to see the match of the current swordsman [Ashura].

"Aashra" is a pseudonym that Tatano wrote when he registered as a new adventurer....

Naturally, there is no such thing as "background so far", so some people who examined the background in order to get a connection probably tilted their necks too much "sharp appearance".

As an opponent in a promotion match, Bob is naturally taught by Gil-kun to be a < Aashra >.....

Pastel-san, Banden-san, and His Majesty Zwei are also pressuring me to be "polite," so I feel nervous and thankful to my superiors.

"Dear Aashra, I'm honored to have you as my opponent." Thank you for your patience. ”

"Oh! I saw you at the Tachibana Festival, so I know the approximate thing." Well, that was... difficult. Forgive Gil for attacking the cockroaches. "

"Hah...? It was done in the rules, and it's worse to lose because you can't handle it. I'm glad to be able to fight the most powerful man in a row for two times."

"I see. Then I'll give you a present too." I'll blow it up and make it even stronger. "

"...... please do."

When they stopped talking to each other and distanced themselves, Mr. Pasteur decided that the "greeting was over" and called for the start of the match.

"Are you both ready?" When this copper drops to the ground, the match will start! "


"............ start!!"

And although the battle began, Bob quietly took a defensive stance on the spot, not knowing how to turn to the opponent who didn't even know how to fight.

On the other hand, Tatano didn't "finish in 3 seconds" either... the two of them didn't move a single step from the starting position, and they became aware of each other's trends.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!