Published at 3rd of June 2024 06:32:44 AM

Chapter 14: The squad leader's principle, the subtleties see the spirit

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Chapter 14 - The squad leader's principle, the subtleties see the spirit

Chapter 14: The squad leader’s principle, the subtleties see the spirit

Chen Ming continued to press the cotton batting with his hands, but it proved futile.

In the military, the quilt batting is usually fluffy, and once pressed down, it quickly bounces back.

Chen Ming frowned as he observed this scene.

“I wish we had an iron,” he thought, as it would quickly flatten the quilt.

However, such tools to prevent shortcuts were not available in the military. With no better options, Chen Ming reluctantly continued pressing with his hands, slowly progressing.

Others exerted effort, with He Dong even attempting to use his weight to compress the quilt without much success. After a while, the recruits, frustrated by the lack of results, began to feel anxious.

“This quilt is terrible!”

“We’ve been pressing for so long, and there’s no effect. Can it really be compressed?”

Chen Ming was the only one still pressing, while others expressed anger or sighed at the seemingly impossible task.

In the face of their frustration, Chen Ming couldn’t help but think, “If only we had an iron to flatten the quilt quickly.”

The squad leader, witnessing their struggle, angrily shouted, “What are you all doing? Is the quilt properly folded? If it’s not done by morning, you’ll face consequences!”

With a silent nod from the squad leader, Chen Ming turned around and hurried downstairs. At noon, he was still on duty, helping set up tables in the cafeteria. The same group from the morning duty continued to chat as they had already made contact.

“Hey, what were you all doing this morning?”

“Folding blankets, what else?”

“Oh my, those blankets are so difficult to fold. I still haven’t learned it. The squad leader scolded me all morning.”

“Who hasn’t been scolded?”

They chatted with each other while queuing at the cafeteria window.

Hearing these conversations, Chen Ming couldn’t help but smile wryly. Their class wasn’t the only one struggling with folding blankets.

Soon, with lunch for the entire class in hand, Chen Ming quickly set up the tables. The squad leader and the rest of the team arrived shortly, singing “We Soldiers” together. He Dong’s loud voice remained prominent.

Other squads were nearby, singing military songs and waiting for dinner, but Chen Ming felt that He Dong’s voice alone surpassed them.

“If we were in ancient times, he’d definitely be a direct disciple of the ‘River East Lion Roar Technique,'” someone joked.

Chen Ming jokingly thought in his mind.

As lunchtime arrived, more people filled the dining hall. However, the recruits, wearing disheartened expressions, lacked the morning’s eager spirit.

Clearly, these recruits were driven crazy by the task of folding tofu cubes...

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