Published at 3rd of June 2024 06:32:28 AM

Chapter 24: Concerns from the Information Section: This is a recruit?

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Chapter 24 - Concerns from the Information Section: This is a recruit?

Chapter 24: Concerns from the Information Section: This is a recruit?

Red Star Brigade Information Section.

Da da da.

A burst of leisurely and crisp footsteps sounded in the aisle leading to the computer room. And the owner of the footsteps came from a beautiful shadow. Many passing soldiers looked up, pupils constricted, hearts racing. They turned away in panic, but their eager hearts made them sneak cautious glances.

If someone knew her, they would greet her cordially, salute, and say, “Hello, Section Chief Tang.”

She would nod, smiling sweetly and replying, “Hello.”Geet latest novel chapters on novelbj/n(.)c/om

Tang Xinyi, Chief of the Information Section, was the center of attention for soldiers, her expressions captivating many. Few female soldiers, even fewer pretty ones like Tang Xinyi. Her appearance drew everyone’s gaze. Her fair, radiant face was like delicate porcelain. Her smooth shoulder-length hair and military uniform exuded grace and strength.

This attractive girl was practically a goddess in the eyes of many soldiers. Most soldiers treated her reverently, like admiring a lotus flower from afar, not daring to approach. It wasn’t just her beauty. Her rank of Major added to the awe.

Tang Xinyi, a young Major in the military, was a rare sight, especially a young and attractive one!

In the army, she was as rare as a giant panda!

Anyone standing beside her felt inferior, let alone mustering the courage to talk to her. Armed with breakfast, Tang Xinyi entered the information department, a place soldiers couldn’t help but watch.

A Ph.D. graduate from a military academy, her impressive education and skills earned her the position of Information Section Chief. The information room was filled with high-tech equipment, servers with blinking lights, and characters jumping on screens.

Soldiers on the night shift watched the screens, ready to identify and solve problems if the system malfunctioned.

Tang Xinyi nodded, but to be safe, she still used her authority to call up the surveillance video of the activity room computer room when the system was hacked. Soon, she locked the intruded computer, looked at the immature face in the surveillance and the collar of the military uniform without a military rank, and couldn’t help being stunned:


She initially thought it was some hidden genius. Unexpectedly, it was a recruit who didn’t even have a military rank?!

“Could it be because he feared being discovered and took off his military rank in advance?”

The second lieutenant behind him was also obviously surprised. How could a young recruit capture such a solid system of the army?!

Tang Xinyi gave him a blank look and said, “If I want to hide my identity, the priority to cover up may not be my rank, but my face.”

“Oh...” The second lieutenant was stunned and scratched his head in embarrassment. He was on the night shift and felt his head was not working.

Sitting in front of the computer, Tang Xinyi looked at the hacker figure, frowned, and shook her head, “No need for now.”

After all, although the other party hacked into the intranet, he didn’t do anything too outrageous, and he knew what to do and what not to do, so there was no need to declare or even arrest the other party.

Also, as a programmer, Tang Xinyi knew what the other party was thinking and couldn’t help but feel itchy when touching the computer. She felt uncomfortable if she didn’t break something.

“Go and help me transfer his identity information.”

Tang Xinyi began to have a little interest in this recruited hacker.

Definitely a computer expert, a talent!

This kind of strength not only aroused Tang Xinyi’s love for talents but also aroused a trace of challenge in her heart.

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