Published at 3rd of June 2024 06:33:00 AM

Chapter 4: The enlistment notice is here!

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Chapter 4 - The enlistment notice is here!

Chapter 4: The enlistment notice is here!

“Good morning, Aunt Li.”

Just as dawn broke, a figure appeared on the village road, wearing shorts and a short shirt, running back and forth in the village. When encountering villagers working in the fields, he would smile and greet them.

With a hoe on her shoulder, Aunt Li responded instinctively to the greeting, “Good morning to you, too.” However, the figure swiftly passed by before she could identify the person.

Curious, Aunt Li turned to observe the disappearing figure, “Isn’t that the Chen kid from the Chen family who quit his internet addiction?”

After returning from the county hospital, Chen Ming adjusted his daily routine, waking up immediately after the alarm rang and carefully folding his sheets. Before high school, he regretted not joining the military and found solace by following military bloggers.

Recalling their emphasis on the challenge of folding sheets, he practised diligently, aspiring to adapt to military life. After morning jogging and breakfast, he utilised the school’s playground equipment for training during the relatively cool hours.

Chen Ming’s health wasn’t optimal, and he aimed to prepare himself for military life. Afternoon would find him doing push-ups and sit-ups in his room. In the evening, he enjoyed reading magazines collected from before his internet addiction took hold.Alll latest novels on novelbin/(.)com

Although the village lacked the hustle of big cities and modern entertainment, Chen Ming found contentment within. As he gazed at the books retrieved from beneath his bed, he mused, “If only I hadn’t succumbed to internet addiction, studied well, and made my parents proud.”

Chen Gensheng hurriedly explained, “He used to ignore us and sneak out to surf the internet even during holidays. But now, do you see any signs of him being addicted to it?”

Wang Yan gave him a skeptical look, “So, now that he’s doing well, you’re worried? You’d rather have him argue with you when he comes back?”

“That’s not what I mean,” Chen Gensheng clarified. “I’m just wondering if something happened to make him change so suddenly.”

Days passed, and one afternoon, Chen Ming, doing sit-ups in his room, heard his mother call out, “Son, there’s a letter for you!”

Realising it could only be one thing, Chen Ming jumped up and rushed outside. The postman handed him an envelope. His father, having guessed it was likely the enlistment notice, also came out. The whole family eagerly watched as Chen Ming opened the envelope.

Carefully unfolding the paper, Chen Ming read, “Comrade Chen Ming, in response to the national call for conscription, you have voluntarily joined the Dragon Army. Report to the Armed Forces Department of Hongrao County by 12:00 on September 15, 2008.”

Excitement filled the room.

“It’s done!” Exclaimed his father, unable to contain his joy.

His mother, a bit more composed, calculated the days, furrowing her brow. “September 15? That’s just three days away. Why such a rush?”

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