Published at 31st of May 2024 05:34:41 AM

Chapter 51: Why Do You Never Listen?

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Chapter 51: Why Do You Never Listen?

“Erk! Erk!”

When Shu Yichao and his steed landed on the count’s ship, the oarsmen who were provoking him a second ago found themselves tongue-tied. One even began hiccupping.

They wondered if they were in a dream.

Charging across a ship’s deck on horseback to leap onto our ship? What kind of monster is he?! Could he really be the Scourge of God?

The oarsmen trembled.

It felt like a legend that had been passed down for centuries had been shoved right into their faces.

Silence loomed for a second...

...then all hell broke loose!


Overwhelmed by fear, an oarsman drew his sword and pounced at Shu Yichao.


With someone leading the pack, the remaining also charged forward with guttural roars that caused their saliva to fly. It was as if they were trying to dispel their fears through that.ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

“We outnumber him! There’s nothing to fear!”

“Kill him!”

“So what if he’s a Khitan? Can he beat all of us?”


Amidst white flashes of light, crimson blood spewed. No one who tried approaching Shu Yichao was standing anymore.



“My lord, I have sinned! Please forgive me!”

No one else dared to step forward. Some of the oarsmen leaped into the water in fright and desperately tried to swim away from Shu Yichao.

It was a foolish decision.

“Tsk!” Shu Yichao got down his steed, drew his bow, and leisurely aimed at the figures that vaguely appeared amidst the waves.

“No, that’s a waste of arrows.”

After some thought, Shu Yichao put down his bow and instead picked up his spear.

“Time to start hunting fishes!”

Psh! Psh! Psh!

【Lightly knock on the door and wait for him to respond. Even if he’s rude to you, you have to make sure to—Ah! Where’s the polyglot I told you to recruit?】

System 12345 was perplexed when it noticed Shu Yichao was walking alone.

【My host, have you mastered the local tongue? That can’t be, since you’re in Venetian territory now...】

【Speaking of which, you look a little dirty...】

【That won’t do. My host, you need to leave a good first impression! You shouldn’t get sloppy just because you’re beautiful. Here, I’ll give you a towel to wipe yourself down...】


System 12345 saw Shu Yichao kicking a door open before it could finish its words, and the screen froze on this sight.


【No, I mean, my host...】

System 12345 was speechless.

Shu Yichao walked up to the bed where the count was hiding.


He swung his blade, and the bed was sliced into two.


The count whimpered as light flooded his vision. He was met with a beautiful face that made his heart pound faster, but this face was even more frightening than the demons of hell to him.

The shivering count climbed to his feet and revealed a strained smile that looked as if he was crying instead.

“Khitan Baturu, Priest King from the distant east, Great Caesar, please calm down... Let’s talk things out yet.” The count, despite his earlier arrogance, became subservient. “We can resolve this matter amicably...”

What is this fellow talking about? I don’t understand...


Shu Yichao grabbed the Venetian count and dragged him out.

“Don’t! Don’t!” the count shouted, “I surrender! I’ll pay you a ransom. I-I’ll provide you with intelligence about Venice! Please spare me!”

Shu Yichao took out the towel he had just received and wrapped it around the count’s neck. Using it as a lever, he turned one round to build up momentum before sending the count flying upward before he was hooked onto the flagpole.

“...” The count struggled a little before his eyes rolled upward.

“Heh! Another one down.” Shu Yichao happily clapped his hands.


【My host!!!】

System 12345 cried.

【Why won’t you listen to my advice? You lost all of your favorability because of that!】

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!