Published at 31st of May 2024 05:34:20 AM

Chapter 64: What It Means to Surrender First

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Chapter 64: What It Means to Surrender First

“Enemy attack!”

“It’s the Khitans!”

“Brothers, charge alongside me!”

To the background of deafening roars, over a thousand Elite Horse Archers unleashed multiple barrages of arrows before they raised their scimitars and accompanied Shu Yichao on a charge toward the smoking Ottomain barracks.

Boom boom boom!

The thunderous stomping from thousands of hooves shook the ground. It only took moments for the Elite Horse Archers to breach the Ottomains’ defense, popping their sweet little dream.

“How did it turn out like this?!”

The Ottomain Regent couldn’t believe his eyes.

He had rushed to Bursa and set up his barracks outside the city, ready to negotiate with the nobles in the city, when Shu Yichao’s army suddenly arrived.

He thought that this was a chance to test out Shu Yichao, so he led a portion of his army to cross blows with the latter... was an utter defeat.

The vanguard force he had dispatched swiftly crumbled, and Shu Yichao proceeded to charge straight into their barracks. In just a few moments, the barracks went up in flames.

War drums boomed as the commanders roared orders in an attempt to put the situation under control. Weapons clanged against one another amidst battle cries. It was an utter cacophony.

Just like that, the Ottomain Regent’s 15,000-men army was destroyed.

Little did the Ottomain Regent know that Shu Yichao was at a loss for words too.

Of your 15,000 troops, only 6000 to 7000 of them are frontline soldiers, and most of them are footmen. There are barely hundreds of cavalrymen in your formation... and you dare to engage me with such a line-up?

Forget it, the computer AI always makes dumb decisions...

In the Beacons of the Otherworld, Shu Yichao had also encountered situations where a group of 20 bandits dared to confront his army of 500 armored cavalrymen.

Who cares what the AI is thinking? I’ll just beat all of them down.

So, the Ottomain Regent and his son died in battle.

Not only was the reinforcement that Bursa was counting on was completely crushed, but it also brought down the morale of the garrison troops guarding the city. That lowered the difficulty of the subsequent siege, though it was not as if the outcome would have been different.

When Shu Yichao finally took down Bursa, Sophia couldn’t help but remark, “Esteemed Caesar, you can now be crowned as the Conqueror of the Ottomains.”

The Ottomain Empire had been at the peak of its power till a year ago, when Shu Yichao broke its backbone. And now, he had gone a step further to take down their greatest city, digging them up from their roots.

With this, the Ottomains were over.

“We aren’t done yet,” Shu Yichao said, “Now that we have dyed the area around the Aegean Sea purple, it’s time to burn down Venice.”

As for how he intended to get to Venice, the answer couldn’t have been more obvious—he was going to slaughter his way there!

Just try standing in my way!

“Really?!” Sophia exclaimed in delight as she grabbed Shu Yichao’s hand with twinkling eyes.

“Of course,” Shu Yichao replied, “Let’s go. We’ll hang Venice’s Governor-General together.”

System 12345 consoled itself.

【It’s fine. At least I can see a fourth of it now.】


In the Holy Romain Empire...

“Your Majesty, I believe that my words are clear?” Governor-General Giraud put down her cup of red tea as she continued, “The Khitans are no different from beasts. They will trample every city that comes in their line of sight.”

“Orh,” the incumbent empress of the Holy Romain Empire, Frederina, nonchalantly replied while fiddling with her divination book.

Rulers of the Holy Romain Empire needed to receive blessings from Rome for their rule to be deemed legitimate, but they would have to pass through either Milan’s or Venice’s territories to reach the Eternal City.

There was a blood grudge between Milan and the Holy Romain Empire. They were more likely to gouge each other’s eyes out than to talk things out.

So, Frederina had traveled to Rome via Venetian territory to receive his blessings. It was in view of this favor that she had accepted Governor-General Giraud’s request for an audience.

However, Frederina wasn’t interested in Giraud’s talk about the threat posed by the Khitans.

“Your Majesty, think about the tragedies that will happen if the Khitan Caesar and his troops march through the Holy Romain Empire—nobles hung on flag poles, heads of loyal knights heaped into mounds, women and children murdered in cold blood...”


“...The Holy Romain Empire is a sacred empire blessed by the Church! This is the land protected by the Lord Himself, a pillar of support for the rest of the world! We can’t let the barbaric Khitans taint this land with their bloody scimitars!”



Giraud finally reached the limit of her patience.

“Your Majesty, what do you intend to do if the Khitans invade your empire? If you don’t make preparations, do you intend to watch as the Khitans reduce the Holy Romain Empire to ashes?”

“...” Frederina looked at Giraud with a glimmer of curiosity. “I heard the Khitan Caesar is a beautiful man. Do you think he will be interested in pursuing a hot, steamy romance with me?”

Giraud nearly fainted.

Your Majesty, I know that you have many lovers under your dress, but is this the time to be talking about this?

“I’m joking. Don’t worry,” Frederina revealed a mesmerizing smile, “Venice won’t be destroyed as long as you fulfill the conditions we have previously discussed.”

Giraud thanked Frederina before taking her leave.

Shortly after, Frederina’s aide entered the audience room and said, “Pardon my frankness, but Your Majesty, it was unwise of you to accept that Venetian’s plan.”

Even the Ottomains, despite their courage and tenacity, were destroyed by the Khitans. To side with the Venetians at this juncture was no different from tugging at the tiger’s whiskers.

“What did I promise her?” Frederina innocently looked at her aide.

“...” The aide was taken aback. “Your Majesty, didn’t you agree to help the Venetians...”

“I only said that I won’t let Venice be destroyed. When did I say anything about helping them?”

“...” The aide had to concede that the empress was indeed thick-skinned.

“Enough. Let’s not dwell on such a boring topic,” Frederina lazily stretched her back before issuing an order, “Prepare quill and paper. Write a passionate love letter for me.

“My brave and strong Caesar, strength must be oozing from your body. I would want nothing more than to witness your bare valor in person...”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!