Published at 31st of May 2024 05:34:08 AM

Chapter 75: Who Do We Whop First?

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Chapter 75: Who Do We Whop First?

Alarm bells went off in Princess Sophia’s mind when she noticed the envoy’s pale face and profuse perspiration. Something was clearly off!

“Envoy, aren’t you going to explain yourself?” Princess Sophia asked. “Don’t you think it is inappropriate to resort to such methods?”

She had no idea what was going on, but she thought that it was worth pulling a bluff judging from the situation.

It was winter, but the envoy was sweating so profusely that even his back and the handkerchief he held in his hands were drenched.

Damn it! How did they realize it?

The envoy was plunged into despair.

He had known from the start that this attempt was forced.

Due to the imminent formation of the Anti-Khitan Alliance, Frederina couldn’t afford to get engaged to the Khitan Caesar at this juncture. Putting aside whether the confession worked or not, the other countries wouldn’t even allow such a thing to happen.

Who knows if it’s really just a scheme? What if you decide to make the marriage a real thing and join hands with the Khitans to screw us over?

Knowing that playing the long game was out of the question, Frederina decided to use the mixed poisonous compound directly on the letter at a higher dosage to eliminate Shu Yichao from the get-go.

Yet, who could have thought that the Khitan Caesar would see through them?

Do we have a spy?

The envoy was trembling, but he still anxiously racked his brain to explain himself, “Her Majesty truly admires the Caesar; this love letter is merely a medium for Her Majesty to express her true feelings. We have no other intention.”

He fell for it! There is something wrong with that letter!

Enraged, Princess Sophia roared, “Take them down!”

Everyone from the Holy Romain Empire was arrested.

Sophia had one of the servants hold the wooden chest as she inspected it from a distance. Seconds later, she ordered, “Bring me some alcohol.”

As alcohol was poured on the letter, Sophia glanced at the envoy and saw his face turning even paler. Her lips curled into a vicious smirk.

“Feed it to him.”

“NO!” The envoy was horrified. “Princess Sophia, t-this is Her Majesty’s... Wuuwuuu! Gug glug gug...”

Sophia glanced at the roses inside the wooden chest and added, “Stuff his nose too.”VIssiT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).com for the best novel reading experience

Moments later, the envoy clutched his chest and wailed in misery. For a long time, he could only lie there in excruciating pain as he felt his throat, heart, and lungs slowly melting to the poison...

They were too bloated right now, and that limited the resources they could mobilize.

In contrast, their enemy spanned nearly the entire Europe. Even a quick glance at the map already made it clear that this was an unwinnable fight. The sheer difference in sizes could plunge even the most optimistic person into despair.

Yet, Shu Yichao’s response was...

“HAHAHAHA!!” His eyes gleamed with joy. “The World Alliance? I love it!!”

The many different colors on the map had previously irked him, but now, other than a small minority of exceptions, it was all red. This was good news to him, for it meant that he could color the map however he wanted to!

“When are they going to gather?” Shu Yichao was hyped.

The most exhilarating battle he had so far was still the fight to defend Constantinope; it was a huge battle against 70,000 soldiers (the remaining ones weren’t counted as he deemed them logistical troops).

The recent few battles felt lacking in comparison, as their scales were mostly limited to the thousands. Had Shu Yichao moved slower, his Elite Horse Archers could have cleared the enemies by themselves.

If there was really a World Alliance Army for him to give a good whopping to...

“I wonder how many troops they will have. I can’t wait to meet them!”

“...” Sophia and Madam Marti were rendered speechless by Shu Yichao’s excitement.

Our Caesar sure is a fearless one.

First he was undaunted by the Ottomain’s 200,000 soldiers, then he was undaunted by Venice’s strong naval force, and now he is undaunted by the Crusade rallied by the Pope.

But again, when they thought about Shu Yichao’s battle record thus far...

The World Alliance Army doesn’t seem that scary anymore?

“Caesar, who should we attack first?” Sophia carefully asked.

Constructing a World Alliance Army required time, resources, and manpower. According to the military strategy book she had recently been reading, if they could gather their strength and crush one or two opposing forces first, it would at least ease their situation a little.




“We’ll hit Popo first!” Shu Yichao was infuriated. “I’ll smack the shit out of them!”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!