Published at 31st of May 2024 05:34:05 AM

Chapter 77: Winged Hussars

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Chapter 77: Winged Hussars

【That’s fast! You escaped from the Holy Romain Empire faster than I thought.】

System 12345 was overjoyed. They were finally back on the right path.

【My host, things won’t be easy now that you’re on the Holy Romain Empress’ blacklist, but you should be safe for now since you have arrived in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.】

Of course, System 12345 did notice that something was amiss too.

【My host, is it my imagination? It feels like you are constantly brandishing your scimitar and shooting arrows...】

It’s probably nothing much. It’s a tumultuous era; it wouldn’t be surprising for there to be bandits around.

【My host, you might have to pay more attention to your reputation now that you’re going to join a Knight Order. It doesn’t look like Cassivia has a high opinion on you based on my data.】

【Why don’t you try this?】

【Since you’re already fighting bandits, you should also explore the area and do more heroic deeds, such as helping the weak. It should improve your fighting skills while raising your fame. That should makes things much easier for you later on.】

【With your gorgeous face, I bet that Cassivia will accept you as long as you have passable fighting prowess and a decent reputation.】

【You can also consider joining jousting competitions. It’ll be beneficial for you to spar with famous knights. I have indicated the cities where jousting competitions are held for you.】

【All the best, my host! Become a great knight and conquer Cassivia!】


System 12345 sent those messages with high hopes.

...Vissit novelbin(.) for updates

“Stop them!”

Shortly after Shu Yichao’s troops entered the city, fifty winged hussars dressed in red and white armor suddenly blocked their path.

“Charge, fellow winged hussars! Show these heretics what we’re capable of!”

With fanatic shouts, these knights lowered their metallic face shields, readied their lances, and charged at Shu Yichao. Their winds glided along with the wind, and their crimson flags fluttered with the wind.

Despite being only fifty people, they gave off an imposing aura similar to an army of thousand.

How dumb.

The winged hussars nearly laughed their heads out.

How foolish are the Khitans to dare attack this city while we’re having a jousting competition? This is no different from thugs trying to rob a military barrack!

We shall end your pathetic and foolish lives then!

“Oh? Are they the renowned winged hussars?”

Psh psh psh psh!

An entire row of people were skewered by his spear. With sheer brute strength, he tore open a gap in the winged hussars’ formation.


He shook his spear by the side, and all of the skewered winged hussars plopped off like candied hawthorns dropping from a stick.

“Hmm?” Shu Yichao turned around to take a look. “Their fighting prowess is passable.”

His Elite Horse Archers were usually invincible when they were grouped together as their offensive and defensive prowess were usually superior to other cavalrymen. Surprisingly, the winged hussars had managed to take down a number of them.

They had met their match this time.

The winged hussars’ armor was on par with the Elite Horse Archers. Even though their close quarter combat was severely lacking in comparison, they had found a way for them to make up for that weakness.

“I reckon the momentum of their charge boosted their offensive prowess by 40 to 50.”

Even the Elite Horse Archers struggled to cope against the winged hussars’ charge.

However, the winged hussars were not strong enough to cut right through the Elite Horse Archers’ formation. This meant that their momentum died in the midst of charging through the Elite Horse Archers’ formation, forcing them into a close-quarter combat while being surrounded by enemies.

At this point, the advantage would shift overwhelmingly in the favor of the Elite Horse Archers.

“Continue the attack!” Shu Yichao raised his spear and roared. “Don’t let them build up their momentum!”

【Aiyo, how dashing!】

System 12345 found itself salivating when it saw Shu Yichao charging on Galewind with a spear. His beautiful face and imposing disposition completely won it over!

It took a long while before System 12345 snapped out of its daze.

【Ah, I nearly forgot!】

【My host, there’s a jousting competition in this city. Have you signed up yet? Don’t worry about being eliminated. Our priority is to build up close relations with the other knights!】


【You should have signed up, right? But something seems off...】

System 12345 stared hard at the screen before something occurred to it.

【Lances are traditionally used in jousting competitions, right? Why are you holding a spear? Have you received special permission from the organizers?】

【Also... my host, those marks on your body, they aren’t blood, right?】

【Ssss! My host, it’s just a competition! You don’t need to get so serious!!!】

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!