Published at 27th of April 2021 12:20:53 PM

Chapter 1044: 1044

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Chapter 1044 Hongmeng has such a tone

"Principal Liang, I think I'd better call Jiang Xianrou and ask her for help. She is an excellent alumnus of National National Taiwan University, so she won't help." Tian Jing has been too lazy to tell them that she doesn't even have the desire to complain. , Picked up the phone on the table and talked to Liang Cong.

This kind of silent crossing is equivalent to ignoring.

Does not respect people at all.

Liang Conglin also had a headache. Instead of answering her at the first time, he looked at Qiao Nian seriously, very serious: "Qiao Nian, the information we want to send is very important and needs to be handed over to the Arbitration Committee. If you lose it, yes. Professor Jiang is very unfavorable, do you know what I mean?"

means that this information must be sent to a reliable person.

"..." Qiao Nian's eyes were very cold. She didn't intend to stay longer this time, but just wanted to bring people back, so she didn't intend to cause too many unnecessary troubles, otherwise she would send it off by herself.

Slim waist control... She lifted the brim of her hat, her pure black and white eyes passed a little thought, wondering if she was a reliable person.

After listening for a long time, the young men in the mist caught the key points of their words and interrupted in: "Arbitration committee? What arbitration committee? Are you talking about the members of the IT Association?"

He has a very casual tone.

When it comes to the IT Association, it is directly described as ‘that gang of people’, which shows that it doesn’t put people in the eyes.

Tian Jing chuckled, just about to say that those who don’t know are fearless.

IT Association has a certain status in the international arena, similar to medical organizations, he just said casually, who did he think he was?

Here Hongmeng has such a tone.

Liang Conglin glanced at him more, mainly out of trust in Qiao Nian, and couldn’t help but seriously ask him: "Do you know someone from the IT Association?"

"I can't talk about acquaintance. That's it." Although the thin waist control didn't understand what they were going to do, he took out his mobile phone and played in a frivolous manner: "You wait, I'll call someone down for you, and you want to give him something directly. That's it."



In the meeting room.

We are pressing hard and arrogant and domineering, and they want to make a decision today.

Some members of the Arbitration Commission were so angry that they could not do anything with them.

Just when the two sides are deadlocked.

The vice president of the IT Association's cell phone rang. He looked down at the phone display, and his face changed from his flushed blush and his thick neck became more embarrassed.

But he still picked up the phone and whispered a few words to the other side.

After finishing speaking, he put down his phone, glanced in Qi Rongguang's direction with a complicated expression, pushed aside the stool, and said, "Wait a moment, I will go down and get something."

"Mr. John, I am waiting for you to come back. I hope you can make the right decision as soon as possible after you come back!" The middle-aged man straightened out the buttons on his suit. The black buttons have a high-quality texture, and his face is domineering. The expression on the winning ticket seemed to be certain that the Arbitration Commission would bow to him this time!

The foreign man he called Mr. John ignored his provocation and glanced at him again. The expression was meaningful.

But he didn’t say much, he quickly pulled the chair away, explained a few words to his assistant, and strode away.

Hongmeng has always been on the side of Hengfeng Group before, even if Hengfeng Group cannot produce definitive evidence to prove that the chips developed by the research institute of the other university are plagiarizing their results, they also force the association to block the other party on the grounds of academic theft.

(End of this chapter)

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