Published at 27th of April 2021 12:20:13 PM

Chapter 1076: 1076

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Chapter 1076 Three people plan to book the venue

Jiang Zongjin was wondering why Tian Jing would have something to tell Qiao Nian, he walked over with a look of confusion, and asked in a low voice: "Nian Nian, what did Professor Gangtian tell you?"

"Nothing." Qiao Nian only glanced at him, and walked casually on the road: "I'm hungry, let's go eat first."

Jiang Zongjin touched a gray nose, but knew that he had concealed the truth first, so he touched his nose and didn't dare to have any comments.

He didn’t have any opinions. Jiang Li, who lied, didn’t dare to have any opinions. He was as honest as a chicken following Qiao Nian, only he didn’t write'I want to flatter me' on his face: "Niannian, what do you want to eat, I'll treat you , You can eat whatever you want."

Qiao Nian glanced back at him, unable to see any emotions, retracted his gaze, took out his mobile phone and said: "No, I will fix the position first."

"Where is the location to be determined first?" Jiang Li muttered, scratching the back of his head.

When you realize that someone is pointing to him frequently.

He just remembered that he has returned to China!

There are so many people here, his identity is not suitable for casual appearances in public.

Before he could react, Qiao Nian calmly waved a taxi, opened the door of the co-pilot, and followed the big and small trails behind: "Get in the car first."

Jiangli could feel more and more people spotting him. Looking at him, he opened the rear door and got into the car.

Jiang Zongjin followed him and got into the car.

Wait and close the door.

Qiao Nian reported a place to eat.

As soon as the taxi stepped on the gas pedal, it left the terminal of Capital International Airport.

The surrounding scenery outside the car window moved back quickly. Jiang Zongjin sat awkwardly behind, trying to find a topic to break the deadlock several times, but he was dumb and didn't know what to say.

Jiang Li found a few topics, but Qiao Nian was not very interested, and he didn't say to ignore him, but it was the kind of kindness to him.

is not much different from ignoring!

I just hit a wall anyway!

The taxi moved forward steadily, and Jiang Li, who was chatting in the back row, gradually calmed down. Qiao Nian took out his mobile phone and sent a message to someone that it had arrived.

Then I thought about it, and I saw from the rearview mirror a young man sitting upright and doing something wrong, his head was aching, and he turned out the contact information in the address book and dialed out.


Zhang Yang was playing with Tangning and the others when he received the call.

When you see the caller ID.

He stopped playing his cards, dropped the cards, asked the person next to him to take his place, and immediately got up and walked out with his mobile phone.

Outside the Lanting box, the exquisite rockery spring water ding-dong, he strode out and took the call nervously.

"Hey, Miss Qiao, are you looking for something with me?"

"Can the hot pot restaurant you took me to have a location?"

The girl’s voice is as dull and rusty as ever, a bit different from the cute, soft and cute girls of the same age.

Zhang Yang didn’t dare to make any negligence, and immediately said: “Yes. Ms. Qiao wants to make a reservation? How many people? The lobby or the box?”

"Three people, I want to book a box." Qiao Nian said lightly: "Can you book a room?"

Jiang Li's identity is still too ostentatious in China. There are too many fans. Jiang Li sits there, but if anyone sees it, she probably won't be able to have a good meal.

Zhang Yang was taken aback by her, and the three of them booked the venue, (⊙o⊙)... how to say, it's pretty arrogant!


"It should be possible!" He reacted very quickly and made a decision immediately, saying: "Well, Miss Qiao, you will wait for me there, and I will go to you right away. They don't know you, so I'll come over and tell them it's more convenient. "

(End of this chapter)

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