Published at 27th of April 2021 12:19:35 PM

Chapter 1103: 1103

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Chapter 1103 It's too late for you to regret now

Jiang Li leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and rested for a while, then opened his eyes and looked at the message on the phone again, unable to speak for a long time.

[QN: The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine is going to participate in the opening ceremony. what's happenin? ]

He looked at the message that Joe read back on the phone, and he was speechless for a while.

Tighten her thin lips, and send another message to Jiang Xianrou--【You still have time to regret it now. 】


After Jiang left, Jiang Xianrou lost his appetite for food, and hurriedly planned a few mouthfuls of food, and said to Jiang Zongnan and Tang Wanru: "Mom and Dad, I'm full, so I'll go upstairs first."

Tang Wanru saw that the rice in her bowl was basically unchanged, and she was worried and said to her behind her: "Slim and soft, how can you just eat this."

"I'm full, you eat slowly." Jiang Xianrou turned pale, pinched the knuckles, and reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth, pretending that nothing had happened.

After finishing speaking, before Tang Wanru persuaded her, she went back to her room with great concern.

Her room is on the second floor. It is the best room in the villa except for the master bedroom where Tang Wanru and Jiang Zongnan live.

Good lighting.

large area.

And all dressed in European style according to Jiang Xianrou's preferences.

In addition to a large Simmons soft bed in the bedroom, there is also a cloakroom dedicated to her clothes on the side. The cloakroom is filled with all kinds of brand-name shoes and bags, and there are too many clothes to wear...

Jiang Xian smoothly closed the door of the room, and just sat on the stool of the dressing table distractedly, opened the drawer and took out a mask from the inside.

The phone that she dropped on the table made a ding.

Jiang Xianrou put the mask back, got up, took the phone, and unlocked it.

is a message from Jiang Li.

Her face is still not good.

But seeing Jiang Li sending a message, he calmed down a bit, lowered his eyelashes, a little arrogant, and opened the phone with his fingertips.

As soon as you see the content of the message.

Her face suddenly changed, as if she had been slapped in the face, her face was extremely bad!

【You still have time to regret now. 】

Jiang Xianrou thought at first that she was dazzled, and then she read the message from Jiang Li again. It was the same sentence, full of warning.

She finished reading word by word, and almost ascended to the sky with anger. Jiang Xianrou laughed instead.

stared at the phone, and couldn't understand what kind of crazy Jiang Li had sent, so he actually sent this kind of news to himself.

Is she too late to regret now?

Why should she regret it, and why should she regret it?

Jiang Xianrou was so angry that she had a headache and threw her mobile phone on the dressing table again, holding her temples in her hands, trying to calm her down.

However, when I thought about the appearance of Jiang Li running back to find himself arguing today, and then thinking about the news he received, his expression was always good.

I don’t know that it’s been too long.

Jiang Xianrou's phone rang on the dressing table, and someone called.

She was in a bad mood. She didn't plan to answer the phone, but from the corner of her eye she saw that the caller ID number was Zhao Ruoqi, the school girl from the clinical department.

She got up, pressed her unhappy heart, and walked to the balcony with her mobile phone.


Jiang Xianyu lacks interest, and his tone is naturally not better than going there: "Is something wrong with me?"

But across the phone, Zhao Ruoqi didn’t seem to hear it. She was very excited and said to her: “Senior Sister Xianrou, do you know what song the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine chose for the opening ceremony?”


Jiang Xianrou is annoyed to hear the three words of Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

She frowned, did not pay attention to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and said patiently: "What kind of song?"

(End of this chapter)

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