Published at 27th of April 2021 02:56:16 PM

Chapter 111: 111

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Chapter 111 All beings are suffering, only you are the white rabbit

Regardless of whether it is genuine or A, Jiang Li happily put the hand ring on his wrist, and took out a few pictures with his mobile phone. One group was sent to his grandfather, dad and uncle, and the other was sent directly to social media. On the account.

Jiang Liv: All beings are suffering, only my little sweetheart is a big white rabbit with sugar [smiley face symbol].

With a picture below.

is the bracelet on the wrist he just slapped.

He is a big v with 50 million account fans. As soon as he updated his status, the following fans heard the wind and immediately reposted and liked his brother and started walking.

After a wave of operations, start licking the photo again.

[I’m Brother Lizi’s cutie: Ah, ah, ah, my brother’s hand is not a hand, it’s a gentle universe! ]

[Jiang Li, his wife: I fuck, husband, this hand, I can! ]

[Mom doesn’t change her surname when she sits: Boy, Ma Ma love you! All beings are suffering, and my **** is the white rabbit. ]

Individual sane powder products have finished their baby’s daily business, and slowly reminisced.

[Abc does not have d: No, this update is not an official announcement, right? Who is the sweetheart? ]

[Fly up and dance: Damn, I smell a strong love and sour smell, what should I do, I'm dead. No, don't fall in love, which dog is robbing my brother. ]

Jiangli's Weibo has comments from passersby.

[Gang me, you win: I saw the news on the forum before and said that Jiang Li seems to be very close to the hottest'most beautiful artist' sponsor Bai Fumei Qiao, and the two will participate in the same one later. In the TV show, both of them are people who circled the city. Wouldn't Jiang Li really be ambiguous with her? People in the first one said that Qiao An is Jiang Li's ideal type. ]

Jiangli’s popularity is super high, so high that it can be popularly searched for a sneeze while walking, and rushed to the first place with the topic of ‘hope brother wear thicker’.

Even if a passerby just raised a mouth casually, the girlfriend fan who couldn't hold back Jiang Li saw it.

#乔嗔# was immediately brushed on the hot search list.

Although    didn't make it into the top ten of the hot search, it also gave Qiao An a wave of enthusiasm.

Qiao Qi also updated a similar activity at this time.

A flower is photographed, and it says-[All things are beautiful. 】

There were not many people who believed that they were tricky, but when this specious state came out, some young girls actually knocked on them.

I firmly believe that there is sugar in it.

After showing off the gifts from his sister to everyone, Shao Jiang happily downloaded the social software, completely ignoring the follow-up of Qiao's interest in him.

During the    period, he also received a call from his grandfather and asked him sourly what the bracelet looked like. He also wanted to catch up with the trend recently, and asked him to send the bracelet back to Beijing to see for himself another day.

His dad is relatively calm, so he told him to take good care of his sister.

Uncle    is not so calm, and sent him three text messages with a face to tell him not to show off. Anyone who is stunned will be unlucky, who needs to know how to share to be happy...

Jiang Li was overwhelmed with joy.

He put the phone away after showing off enough, and found that something was wrong, staring at the bracelet on Ye Wangchuan's wrist.

"Hi, Lord, why are ours all black and yours silver?"

And his is obviously better than his and Gu San's!

Ye Wangchuan looked down, wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs relaxed and stretched. His eyes were deep and bright right now, with thin lips curled up, and he hid his hands leisurely to prevent Jiang Li from looking: "Really? I think it's all the same. "

(End of this chapter)

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