Published at 27th of April 2021 12:18:21 PM

Chapter 1150: 1150

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Chapter 1150 People, if you want to be fair, be fair to the end

"I count to three, you think about whether or not to apologize."

Her lazy appearance, it seems that there is no deterrent, but if you look closely at her eyes, you will find that the eyes are extremely dark, as if they are not bottomless, which makes people jealous.

Jiang Zongjin knew that Qiao Nian was out for him, his eyes were red, and a big man almost couldn't control his emotions.

The girl is so good, she obviously didn’t do anything for her, but every time she came forward to protect him, who was a father.

Jiang Zongjin did not begin, clenched his fists and forced back the tears in his eyes, walked over, and pulled a girl’s arm.

"Nan Nian, forget it."

Qiao Nian didn’t look back, and only said: “I’m just a junior, no one respects me. After all, I have nothing to do with this family. But you are not a junior in the family. Since they keep saying that they want you to apologize, after clarifying the whole story, They should do the same as they said. If you apologize, then apologize!"

The money, she paid it back.

is equivalent to repaying the kindness they released to themselves when they circled the city.

Just like Jiang Xianrou and the others said, if you want to distinguish clearly, then distinguish everything clearly.

Jiang Xianrou was stunned, and reacted, his brows wrinkled, and his tone increased: "Qiao Nian, my mother is your second aunt!"

"I know." The girl's delicate eyebrows raised evilly, her dark and beautiful eyes looked at her somewhat casually: "She is my elder, but this world is not older than anyone else. Who should make sense. . It’s unreasonable. If you want others to return something, you just care about it. When someone asks you to follow this rule, you push back and forth and play the family card."

"Well, people, if you want to be fair, then be fair to the end!"

The scene froze for a while.

Everyone was overwhelmed by the girl’s aura.

Especially Tang Wanru.

She could hardly believe that Qiao Nian dared to ask her so.

Tang Wanru was shocked and angry when the stormy waves were set off in her heart. She pointed to Qiao Nian's hand, her fingers trembled with anger several times, and she couldn't say a word.

The girl still has the same brows and eyes, she seems to be indifferent to anything, but it seems that no one can bear her seriousness.



This sentence was directed at Tang Wanru.

Tang Wanru looked at the girl’s dark, excessive eyes for a second, as if seeing the beast hiding in those eyes was about to pounce at her, she was terrified, and she turned away her gaze first.

The look in Qiao Nian's eyes was terrible.

But let her just apologize to Jiang Zongjin in front of the elders, husband, daughter, and a large group of people in the family.

Her pride in her bones does not allow her to do this.

If she apologized, wouldn’t someone put her face under her feet today, how can she go out to see people in the future?


Qiao Nian has already started counting.

It can be seen that she did not joking with Tang Wanru.

Jiang Xianrou was just suppressed by her burst of aura. Like Tang Wanru, she didn't recover for a moment. When she recovered, she realized that she had been suppressed by a hillbilly who came around the city. His face turned green, and he pulled down his face with a gloomy expression, and warned in a low voice: "Qiao Nian, you are too much! Do you think this home is a place where you can come in?"

Qiao Nian chuckled lightly, quite fearless.

Is the Jiang family where she can mess around? She has already come, and Jiang Xianrou needs to remind her again like a fool?

(End of this chapter)

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