Published at 27th of April 2021 12:15:23 PM

Chapter 1272: 1272

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Chapter 1272 Sister Nian is the diamond boss in the illegal zone

Not far from the shooting range, there is a lounge with a glass building. The environment is quiet. There are several tables and chairs near the window, and green plants are placed on one side of the tables and chairs.

Jane found one of the tables, opened the chair and sat down, and asked the waiter to bring two glasses of juice.

Waiting for the waiter to walk away, she raised her face and walked over to the girl who sat down in the chair and said: "Yes, Joe. Your uncle has come to cooperate with JC Group."

Jane wears a black vest, revealing a smooth and perfect shoulder and neck line.

She has a very eye-catching figure, the kind of figure that people will remember at a glance, but her face is ordinary, her facial features are not exquisite, and she does not belong to the domestic aesthetic category.

Jian Wei leaned back, put her hand on the table, and asked: "They want our latest batch of raw materials, do we give it?"

JC Group has been on the list among the world’s fastest rising diamond raw material suppliers in recent years.

JC Group, as the largest rough supplier, has the highest purity of diamonds, the most abundant supply, and the price is much cheaper than other raw material suppliers.

Moreover, there has been a legend in the industry that there is a relationship with illegal diamonds behind JC Group.

The diamond boss in the illegal zone is extremely mysterious and almost never shows up, but he holds a whole diamond purchasing line in F Island.

is also one of the best in the illegal zone.

The strength should not be underestimated!

Therefore, no matter whether it is domestic or foreign, the number of jewelry companies that want to find JC Group cooperation is not counted. Every batch of JC Group's raw materials comes out, and all major jewelry companies at home and abroad are waiting in line for JC Group's selection.

This time Jiang’s Group also submitted a cooperation plan.

Before, Jian Wei couldn’t even see companies like Jiang’s Group. She wanted to choose some of the most famous jewelry companies in the world.

But it’s different now.

Bonder, the diamond boss, Joe is in Beijing, and the Jiang family has another blood relationship with Joe, so she asked her assistant to temporarily keep the Jiang Group’s cooperation project.

Jane raised the end of her eyes, and her black eyes looked at the girl sitting opposite her, mainly based on what Qiao Nian meant: "You said cooperation, I will give them this batch of raw materials. Joe, will you give it?"

The waiter brought the juice right at this time.

Qiao Nian chose a cup of apple juice, holding the cup in one hand, and stirring the juice in the cup with a straw.

The transparent ice cubes in the glass collide with the ice cubes, making a crisp sound.

There is not much emotion on her delicate and eye-catching face, and she casually said: "You decide for yourself, you also have shares in JC Group."

"I decide?" Jian Yu looked helpless, so he could only pick up the words and said: "If you want me to decide, the Jiang Group is not qualified to cooperate with us. The problem is that Jiang of the Jiang Group is always your uncle, so I Just ask what you mean."

Jiang’s Group is indeed not qualified to cooperate with their JC Group. She estimates that the other party is only tentatively submitting a cooperation plan.

itself did not hold much hope.

Unfortunately, some people are lucky, and they can find good luck lying at home.

"This plan was written by President Jiang himself, and it was sincerely given. Joe, what do you think?"

What does she think?

Qiao Nian tapped his finger at the glass, tilted his head, half-squinted his eyes, as if thinking about what Jian Wei said.

According to her own personality, she definitely does not want to be involved in personal relationships with other interests, but Jian Wei’s saying, “Jiang Zongnan sincerely wants to cooperate with JC Group” still made her hesitate a little.

(End of this chapter)

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