Published at 27th of April 2021 12:15:00 PM

Chapter 1288: 1288

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Chapter 1288 Jiang Xianrou was beaten

Jiang Xian's soft eyes were full of coldness. She didn't want to argue with Jiang Yao, so she turned her face to one side, and digging at the strap of the bag with her fingers, and the corners of her lips replied slightly, "I know. Brother, you don't need to say any more. ."

Jiang Yao knew that she was very impatient by looking at the expression on her face and didn't listen to her words. Jiang Yao couldn't help but shook his head, feeling helpless, but he had no choice but to take his own sister.

It just so happened that the red light of the traffic light turned into a green light. He didn't say any more about Jiang Xianrou. He stepped on the gas pedal and the car started driving again.


Jiang’s house.

Jiang Zongnan returned home first.

The servant made tea for him and delivered it to him. He took off his suit jacket and threw it on the sofa. He rolled up his sleeves and asked Mother Wang: "Where is the wife?"

He glanced at the second floor. The house was quite quiet, unlike anyone.

Wang Ma respectfully walked over and held the suit he had changed in her arms. He raised her head when she heard that, and replied in a small voice: "Mr. Jiang, the wife is not at home, so she will go out in the morning."

"Not at home again?" Jiang Zongnan frowned reflexively, and stopped pulling up the cuffs of his shirt.

Wang Ma is just a servant in the family, she just helps in Jiang's house.

She immediately lowered her head and stood there, not daring to say more, and only whispered: "Maybe my wife is going out with a friend to make an appointment at the beauty salon."

Jiang Zongnan just asked, he didn't expect Wang Ma to know where Tang Wanru had gone.

He just felt that Tang Wanru went out very frequently recently. She was often away from home during the day and didn't come back until night, and she didn't know what she was doing.

However, he and Tang Wanru have been married for more than 20 years, and their relationship has always been harmonious. Jiang Zongnan didn't think much about it, um, he told Wang Ma to go first.

He sat down on the sofa by himself, took a sip of water from the glass.

Put down the water cup again, pressed his eyebrows, leaned against the sofa and nested for a while, then took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Yao.

"Hey, where are you and when will you be back?"

Jiang Zongnan heard Jiang Yao say that he was with Jiang Xianrou and was on his way home again. When he arrived in about ten minutes, he pulled his collar to dissipate the heat and sullenness from his body, and said in a deep voice, "I'm waiting for you at home," Come back quickly!"

Jiang Zongnan hung up Jiang Yao's phone, hesitated for a moment, then found out Jiang Zongjin's phone number and called.

The phone rang.

said that the call he made was unanswered.

He hung up the phone silently, and slowly put down the phone, only sinking helplessness and exhaustion remained in a pair of shrewd and wise eyes...


Ten minutes later, Jiang Yao and Jiang Xianrou finally got home.

As soon as Jiang Yao came in, he saw his father sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea in front of him. He didn't watch TV or the newspaper. He seemed to be waiting for them to come back.

He changed his shoes and entered the hallway. His handsome face was somewhat similar to that of Jiang Zongnan, except that he looked younger and more aggressive than a middle-aged man who was in his forties and introverted.

"Dad." Jiang Yao walked into the living room and called someone.

"I'm back?" Jiang Zongnan saw the two brothers and sisters coming back one after the other. He put his cell phone on the coffee table with no expression on his face, and suddenly stood up, leaving Jiang Yao alone, walking to Jiang Xianrou and raising his hand. , Slapped Jiang Xianrou's face with a slap.


A slap in the face resounded through the living room.

Scared to come over to Jiang Yao and the others, Wang’s mother, who was serving tea and water, stood there, covering her mouth, and almost yelled out.

President Jiang, how did President Jiang hit someone?

Ms. Slender is still playing.

(End of this chapter)

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