Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:49:08 PM

Chapter 1328: 1328

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Chapter 1328 Give Jiang Xianrou a precious gift

Qin Si glanced at him obliquely, and said coolly, "You don't want to support Jiang Xianrou? I'm on the front of my ugly words, I'm on sister Qiao's side. If she really encourages Zhu Yuanhao to find Sister Qiao is in trouble. You help Jiang Xianrou come out. I'm the one who wants to turn my face."

"I said I want to help her out?" Bo Jingxing was angrily smiled by him, raised his hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said rather sullenly: "I also know Qiao Nian, I'm not as unreasonable as you think. . I'm just going to see what's going on!"

Seeing that he didn't seem to be thinking about supporting Jiang Xianrou, Qin Si didn't say a word, and acquiesced to him to go with him and walk in the front first, as if walking in a hurry.


In a high-end hotel in Beijing.

Zhu Yuanhao did not know that the danger was coming to him.

He is now taking out the carefully selected gift and handing it to the woman sitting opposite, with a fawning expression on his face, thinking carefully: "Miss Jiang, you accept this."

Jiang Xianrou watched as he handed himself a small box. The velvet box was square, only the size of a palm, and looked very beautiful.

Her eyes and brows are converging arrogant, and her white face looks generous and elegant, and she has the temperament of a lady.

She didn’t put on the posture she wanted much. Facing Zhu Yuanhao’s gift offensive, Jiang Xianrou was very calm, even a little disdainful. She didn’t stretch out her hand and asked, "What is this?"

"This is a kind of medicine that I asked my dad to buy for longevity." Zhu Yuanhao mentioned this, somewhat proud, but in front of Jiang Xianrou, he restrained the frivolity of his life and tried to make himself look more stable. Accompanying the smiling face to explain to her: "I heard my dad say that this kind of medicine is very rare, even if there are many relationships to buy on the black market. Recently, it is impossible to buy it. It is very precious."

"What kind of medicine, it's so magical?" Jiang Xianrou heard him say that it was very precious, so she reluctantly picked up the box and opened it. There was a small white pill in glass.

She looked very familiar at first glance, but for a while she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

Seeing that Jiang Xianrou was finally willing to accept it, Zhu Yuanhao thanked him and said: "This pill is amazing. Anyway, it's very rare on the black market. This medicine was bought by my dad in trust, and I haven't been willing to use it. I heard that Jiang The old man is not in good health. If you give this to Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang must be very happy, so you don't have to..."

Before he finished speaking, the door was suddenly kicked open.

Zhu Yuanhao subconsciously closed his mouth, raised his eyelids, and became angry: "Who the hell..."

When he saw someone coming, he immediately slapped his mouth with a big mouth, and his face suddenly changed: "Daru, Daru?"

Why did you come here?

Zhu Yuanhao's mind hasn't turned around yet.

The man who came in from the outside gave him a faint look, his whole body exuded a chilly, thin lips touched, very faint: "Take him away."

Zhu Yuanhao’s legs softened instantly, he was frightened in a cold sweat, his lips trembled, and his face was stunned and forced: "Master, what did I do?"

Gu San was already smiling and leaning on him, but he didn't smile, his smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, and he walked toward him, while sneerly replied: "You didn't do anything, you just lit the lamp in the pit and found death. ."

He instigated his girlfriend to steal the USB flash drive used by Miss Qiao for the game. Why did he not kill him?

(End of this chapter)

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