Published at 27th of April 2021 02:55:47 PM

Chapter 133: 133

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Chapter 133 I am embarrassed to ask

The crowd is full of voices in the Great Hall, but Qiao's family is even awkward to stand here.

They have almost lost their faces.

Watching Jiang Zongjin taking a group of class A to eat, Shen Qiongzhi couldn't help but shouted when they passed by.

"Professor Jiang!"

He suddenly called someone, and the group of class A stopped.

Jiang Zongjin stopped, and suddenly saw the well-maintained woman standing in front of him, startled, and looked at him suspiciously: "Are you?"

Shen Qiongzhi now has a full stomach, she glanced in the direction of Qiao Nian, and eagerly just wanted to ask: "Professor Jiang, I just heard you say you are Qiao Nian's father? Is this true?"


They must have heard it wrong!

How could professor at Tsinghua University be Qiao Nian’s father?

Not only Shen Qiongzhi, Qiao Weimin, and Mrs. Fu looked at him eagerly, wishing to deny him instead.

Especially Qiao An, his hands clenched into fists tensely, staring at the outstanding middle-aged man in front of him, his lips were about to be bitten.

They must be mistaken.

Jiang Zongjin was born into a famous family. Even if he is usually obsessed with academics and not very social and social, his vision is his advantage in his bones.

At a glance, he could see that the group of people in front of him was unkind and seemed very targeted, hoping that he would deny it.

The gentle expression on his face instantly cooled down, and he turned to ask Qiao Nian: "Niannian, do you know them?"

This attitude and familiar name...

Qiao An’s heart sank sharply.

She clasped her hands tightly, her heart seemed to be gripped tightly by an invisible hand.

She didn't want to give up and still hold the last glimmer of hope.

Qiao Nian glanced over the family of Qiao, Qiao Weimin, Shen Qiongzhi, and Qiao Ai...Dark eyes were indifferent and mocking, and only glanced at them lightly, three-pointed gangster: "Know."

carelessly: "My former adoptive parents."

She didn't conceal the least, as if Qiao Weimin and others were just unimportant strangers in her life.

Jiang Zongjin's eyes sank, and when he looked at the well-dressed Qiao family, his eyes were not only cold, but also a little sullen in it.

After finding his daughter, he asked people to find out how she had been over the past ten years.

If the other party treats their daughter well, their Jiang family is not a person who doesn’t know how to be grateful, and they will definitely give it back.

Even in the future, the two families can form unrelated relatives.

The results that can be obtained, he is still anxious when he thinks of it!

Qiao’s family didn’t treat his baby kindly. They adopted Nian Nian just to use Nian Nian's blood type to give blood to their children.

Every month, Nian-nian is forced to go to the hospital to draw blood to the child of Qiao’s family.

Qiao’s children went from elementary school to piano, dancing, painting, to the best school, wearing designer clothes...

His Nian Nian is also named in Qiao's family, and Qiao's family has never enrolled her in any interest class!

Qiao Chi attends a private aristocratic school, and attends the worst public school since elementary school.

Qiao Di took the piano test and bothered to join the upper class circle around the city.

His thoughts are like an invisible person.

He never thought of revenge on the people of the Qiao family, after all, after all, they did nurture the school for more than ten years.

He didn’t want his daughter to bear the reputation of being ungrateful for such people.

Joe's family is not worthy!

But if they dared to send them to the door shamelessly, he would never give them a good face.

So when she learned that Shen Qiongzhi was Qiao Nian’s adoptive mother, Jiang Zongjin’s expression quickly became cold, and his eyes were indifferent: "Oh, something is wrong with Mrs. Qiao?"

The difference in tone is so obvious that I can hear it when my ears grow.

He doesn't wait to see Shen Qiongzhi, and he is not even willing to give the other party face!

Sorry little cuties, little brother has the fact that he is too tired today. It will not be updated at night.

The night update will be added tomorrow during the day.

Good night, everyone goes to bed early today.

(End of this chapter)

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