Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:48:46 PM

Chapter 1360: 1360

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Chapter 1360 A large truck ran into them

On the other side of the taxi, Qiao Nian hung up Ye Wangchuan's call.

She put the phone down, and when she raised her eyes, she saw a large truck rushing in their direction.

The car is moving fast.

and driving in the opposite direction.

The front of the car turned crookedly, supposedly it should hit the car in front.

But not!

The big blue truck seemed to drive slantingly. The driver who drove seemed to be drinking too much, but Qiao Nian could see clearly that the car rammed in their direction.

The bright face under her peaked cap suddenly became cold, and her voice reminded hoarsely: "Be careful!"

"What to do... I, I can't apply the brakes."

The taxi driver was obviously stunned by the unexpected surprise before his eyes.

In extreme fear, people can't take any measures to deal with it.

He saw a large truck suddenly burst out in front of him and hit his car, life and death only took a moment.

The taxi driver's brain is blank, and his legs are directly soft.

Don't say stepping on the brakes, he was scared silly.

The front of the big blue truck in front of him kept approaching, and when he was about to hit him, the taxi driver closed his eyes and his heart was mostly cold.

Only Qiao Nian kept his calm judgment. Seeing that he was frightened and stupefied, he got up quickly with eyesight and hands, and leaned over the gap in the driver's seat.

At the moment of her death, she grabbed the steering wheel abruptly and made a circle to the left.

The front of the taxi turned abruptly to the left.

In the absence of any cushioning, it slammed into the green belt next to it at the speed of normal driving.

Only listen to the tires rubbing the ground with a ‘chi’ sound. With a bang, the taxi dodges the oncoming truck in a thrilling manner. The front of the taxi hits the buffer zone, and a puff of white smoke bursts out in front of it...

At the same time, the large truck that had staggered with them also slammed into a car behind, making a loud sound of double banging.

It happened suddenly.

Many pedestrians on the road saw this thrilling scene.

"A car accident happened over there?"

"My God. The truck hit someone retrogradely."

"Call an ambulance."

"Who call an ambulance, hurry up, call 120."

Someone immediately took out their mobile phone and dialed 120 in a hurry, while others were busy calling the police.


In the car, after Qiao Nian felt the body spin abruptly, the impact threw her a bit, and she heard the sound of a bone crack in her right hand.

The tingling sensation of scratches also came from the arm.

In the violent shaking, she could not confirm her condition, but could only feel the warm blood flowing out of her arm.

can probably tell that he was hurt a bit.

After gritting her teeth and waiting for the severe pain in her arm to pass, she immediately asked the driver who was sitting in front of her and crying: "Are you okay?"

When the big truck hit, she reacted fast enough. She overtook the driver and grabbed the steering wheel, turned her head in an emergency, and let the car avoid the big truck and hit the green belt.

Although their situation at the moment is very embarrassing, it is more than many times better than being hit head-on by a large truck that is several times larger.

The driver shook his head, but was frightened, but was not injured.

Qiao Nian judged his situation with a high probability, and said: "The car is prone to spontaneous combustion in high temperature conditions. Check if your leg is injured."

"If not, let's get off the car first."

"..." The driver's face turned pale, he couldn't say a word, his lips were still trembling, obviously he hadn't been relieved from the line of life and death just now.

(End of this chapter)

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