Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:48:30 PM

Chapter 1369: 1369

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Chapter 1369 Sister Nian directly found out the person behind her

In addition to Jiang Xianrou in the Jiang family, there are after all Jiang Li, Jiang Zongjin and others.

Qiao read how much to take into account the feelings of these people.

Especially, Mr. Jiang is getting old and his health is not very good. If Qiao Nian gets involved in this matter, Mr. Jiang will not blame her, but he will feel sad.

It is not convenient for Qiao Nian to come forward, so it is better for him to deal with it.

It doesn't matter if he is an outsider.

"I have sent someone to check the driver of the truck to see who is behind him."

A string in Qiao Nian's mind has been tight, and it will break just a little bit. She didn't know when she would break that string... Until now, Qiao Nian felt Ye Wangchuan's hand stroked her back again and again, as if the breeze was about to burn her. Get upset.

The fire in my heart gradually cooled down.

The tight string in my mind seems not as unbearable as before.

The hostility in Qiao Nian’s eyes dissipated a lot. She closed her eyes, suppressed the anger that was surging between her eyebrows, and then slowly opened her eyes. The expression in her eyes has calmed down a lot, and her voice has become more hoarse than before: "No need So troublesome."

"Hmm?" Ye Wangchuan was still stroking her back in a different way to soothe her emotions.

Qiao Nian has quickly adjusted his mentality, and raised his head from his arms, his black and white eyes are black, and they look pretty evil.

Qiao Nian's tone was very calm, instead of the depressed feeling he had before, and asked him: "Did you bring your phone?"

"Take it." Ye Wangchuan guessed what she was going to do with a high probability, raised his eyebrows, found the phone and handed it to her: "Your hand..."

"It's just an ordinary person, I can do it with one hand."

Qiao Nian took the phone with his left hand and found that his phone had a password. His bright eyes looked at him: "What is your phone password?"


A string of numbers came out smoothly from his mouth.

Qiao Nian typed the letters according to the numbers he said. Halfway through the typing, she suddenly discovered the meaning of the series of numbers and suddenly raised her head to look at him.

Ye Wangchuan's charming face was calm, and he met Qiao Nian's sight, and said naturally: "The day I became a normal person is quite special. I must remember it."


Qiao Nian was seen by his open gaze, but first lowered his eyelashes. Crow's black eyelashes covered his eyes and became the person at a loss.

But fortunately, she is not such a hypocritical person, and there is a sudden rush of heat in her ears.

After she unlocked the phone code lock, the expression on her face became natural.

She concentrated on opening the webpage on Ye Wangchuan’s phone and entered a web address. She didn’t know what she had entered. It didn’t take long. Qiao Nian had already found out all the information about the driver of the truck, including him. Information about recent transactions in the bank account was also found out...

She looked at the phone, the face under the brim of her hat clearly showed an unexpected expression, and it seemed that the result of the detection was beyond her expectation.

Qiao Nian took the cell phone and looked at what was found on the cell phone, and said in a clear voice: "Three days ago at 3:15 in the morning, a transfer of 500,000 yuan was transferred to his account. The transfer account is overseas, but I checked the domestic holder information of that account."

Ye Wangchuan thought that Jiang Xianrou did it this time, but someone around Jiang Xianrou did it. He didn't expect that the bank account information Qiao Nian found had nothing to do with Jiang Xianrou.

He took the phone from Qiao Nian, looked down, and saw the name of the person who made the money, his eyes were slightly cold: "Is it her?"

This person was unexpected, but it seems reasonable to insist on the motive for harming others!

PS: There have been updates in the last few days. It’s a great deal, little cuties, I can’t do much

(End of this chapter)

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