Published at 27th of April 2021 02:58:53 PM

Chapter 14: 14

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Chapter 14 The Qiao family will regret it sooner or later

Wei Lou once asked Qiao Nian, this thing is so magical, anyway, he has seen Qiao Nian put the legendary magical magic medicine into her chewing gum like jelly beans, upset or okay. Chew two at the same time.

"I'm busy, I don't have time to do so much."

Qiao Nian has been leaning on the side of the chair next to her. Her skin is white, her legs are long and thin, and her waist is bright and gorgeous. There is a red mole on her slender neck. People want to bite her off!

Weilou put the precious medicine bottle away, then glanced at her and gritted her teeth: “You’re busy! I think you have a lot of free time, and you have time to find Dad.”

Qiao said seriously: "I'm really busy."

It is the sloppy words at the end of her eyes that make her say nothing convincing!

"Tsk." Wei Lou was too lazy to wrestle with her, as if thinking of something, and said: "Yes, someone is checking you. The Beijing city chased around the city, it seems that there is a patient with a very good identity. I want you to see it."

"Not interested in."

Qiao Nian now wants to find out the mystery of his life experience even more.

"Everyone is chasing around the city, and the other party is prepared. It seems that they have found a lot of information about you."

Qiao never thought back, indifferent and ruthless: "No. You help me settle it."

Wei Building is an underground business. The black market on the side of the city is under his name, and even the forces have extended to the capital.

It was a coincidence that she and Wei Lou met. She rescued Wei Lou once, and Wei Lou also helped her.

is not a fateful friendship, but she absolutely trusts Wei Lou, who is also one of the few people who knows her identity.

Weilou promised refreshedly. Since this medicine appeared on the black market and Qiao Nian's name as a genius doctor is not the only one, he has done these things: "OK."

"Then I will leave first."

She also gave her things, and got the things she wanted. Qiao Nian didn't want to continue to stay, and got up and said, "There's something to do with it."

Weilou saw that she was about to leave, and he pressed his eyes and said, "I see."

"Qiao's house..."

Everyone came to the corner, and he remembered about the Qiao family. Originally, he wanted to ask if the entire Qiao family should be vented to her, but when I saw that Qiao Nian had already gone far, it was fine.

Anyway, the group of Qiao family is stupid.

Holding fish eyes as pearls and still being complacent all day long.

He just beat the first-hand king to 123456 no 7, sooner or later, I will regret it.

Leaving the clinic, Qiao Nian went back in no hurry, beckoning on the side of the road to rent a mall to Pudong Road to buy something to go back.

There is only one change of clothes in the one-shoulder backpack except for the notebook.

Traffic control over the mall, taxi masters can't get in when they drive the car to the intersection.

"Little sister, control in front, I can't get in, you have to walk by yourself. No problem, right?"

"no problem."

Qiao Nian glanced at the billing on the meter, found out the money for him, and got out of the car.

The roads on both sides lean against the river, and the shopping mall in the city center is only after the bridge.

Before Qiao Nian took a few steps, he heard someone yelling on the left-hand side in front of him: "Someone has fallen into the water!"

There were many people on the road, and someone immediately surrounded them.

"Oh my god, someone fell into the water."

"I just saw a child who seemed to be picking up something and slid down."

"Who can swim?"

Someone shouted in the crowd.

But there are many onlookers and few who can swim.

In the crowd of onlookers, Qiao Qi and two girls in the same class happened to be nearby. When an accident happened, they stood together and looked down. The water was so turbulent that it was frightening to look at. One of the girls whispered to her: "Alas, I remember that you signed up for a swimming class during the summer vacation..."

(End of this chapter)

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