Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:47:07 PM

Chapter 1427: 1427

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Chapter 1427 Joe is going to die

All her attention is on Qiao Nian, because she knows that only Qiao Nian can take it lightly.

She looked at the girl eagerly, showing the gentle side of a mother for the first time, speaking softly.

"Qiao Nian, she did not do this thing right, I apologize to you, don’t you be familiar with her, OK?"

Shen Qiongzhi finished speaking, and turned his head to look at Fu Ge, and said anxiously: "Fu Shao, you can say a few words for help."

"You understand what an angry person is. She is confused for a while. I will definitely educate her when I go back. You are an angry boyfriend. Help her talk."

Fu Ge's whole body was stiff like a stone, unable to move at all. He wanted to speak a few times, and finally faced Shen Qiongzhi, he only said one sentence: "Auntie, if Qiao Nian didn't prepare a spare hard drive in advance this time, you know Qiao wailing. What are the consequences of the practice?"

Qiao Nian will be embarrassed on the playing field.

Then lose the game!

But the problem is that Qiao Nian is not standing on the playing field as an individual, but standing on it on behalf of the country!

"She did too much this time, and I can't help her to speak." Fu Ge did not start, his voice low and firm.

Shen Qiongzhi showed despair, but more often he did not understand his ruthlessness.

In her eyes, Qiao Qi is just a child and should be forgiven even if he did something wrong.

Ye Wangchuan stood up at this moment, walked to the girl's side, and asked her softly: "What are you going to do with her?"

Who she is, it goes without saying.

Ye Wangchuan even disdains the name Qiao Ai, and directly replaces her with her.

Qiao's eyebrows were very dry, mainly because she was arguing with Shen Qiongzhi, but she did not hesitate to say her final solution: "Don't do anything, call the police, and hand it over to the police."

"Call the police?"

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, Qinghuang's face was a little surprised, as if he didn't expect Qiao Nian to make such a decision.

"...Will it be too cheap for her to report to the police."

He means that he can make Qiao Qi worse than jail.

But Qiao Nian pulled her sweater hat and shook her head, her eyes were cold and dry, and her voice was hoarse: "You don't understand Qiao An, the police is enough for her."

Ye Wangchuan didn't want to let him go so easily, at least he had to let Qiao Chi abandon his hand, but he respected Qiao Nian's decision.

immediately looked at Gu San on the opposite side, and solemnly told Gu San: "Call the police."

"Okay, Lord Wang." Gu San was far apart, but he actually heard the two talking vaguely, but didn't clearly hear what Qiao Nian said to Ye Wangchuan.

At this moment, I heard Ye Wangchuan asked him to call the police, and he also felt that this was the best way to deal with it.

Gu San immediately picked up the phone and went to call.

"Hey, Cai Ju..."


Qiao Qi, of course, heard Ye Wangchuan’s call to call the police, and Gu San made the call.

She didn't expect Qiao Nian to call the police directly, stayed for a second, and then reacted, her white face turned pale with fright.

Shen Qiongzhi was also frightened, and shouted: "Qiao Nian, what are you doing! Why are you calling the police..."

She wanted to rush to Qiao to read the theory.

It's just that Ye Wangchuan stood up at the moment, walked over, and blocked her way.

The cold eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice was soothing and deep: "Mrs. Joe, if you take a step forward, I guarantee that Qiao An’s end will be worse than now."


He said, Shen Qiongzhi is like acupuncture, not daring to act rashly.

(End of this chapter)

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