Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:45:16 PM

Chapter 1492: 1492

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Chapter 1492 Jiang Xianrou is an old disciple of Huang?

After she finished speaking, Qiao Nian didn't even mean to speak up. Qi Yan tidyed up her hair a little embarrassingly, so as to conceal her deficiencies.

Robert noticed Jiang Xianrou, then turned to Qiao Nian and said, "Q, you are usually in country Z. I wonder if you have heard of Huang Bin from country Z?"

Huang Bin is the name of Huang Lao.

People abroad don’t have so much etiquette. He may just say Huang Lao’s name directly if he wants Qiao Nian to know who he’s talking about.

Then introduce Qi Jiang Xianrou to Qiao Nian.

"This new member of our Pharmacy Association was a disciple of Huang Lao before. She studied with Huang Lao for a while, but later because Huang Lao was in poor health, she did not continue to take her."

Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows very surprised, and the expression on his face became a little interesting.

She had never heard that Jiang Xianrou had studied with Huang Lu, she only knew that Jiang Xianrou had been studying with Liang Lu.

Behind Liang Lu was taken care of by the Wei family because of Wei’s affairs. Now she is in a mess. Not to mention being an authoritative expert in the country, the life of being reorganized by the guard is almost too much to go on, just go to prison and squat...

After Liang Lu's luck, Jiang Xianrou, the former favored student next to Liang Lu, couldn't wait to get rid of his teacher.

Don't say helping Liang Lu.

She never heard that Jiang Xianrou was in contact with Liang Lu anyway.

In other words, before Liang Lu had an accident, Jiang Xianrou had a close relationship with Liang Lu, and after Liang Lu had an accident, the two were no different from a stranger.

"Is she a disciple of Huang Lao?" Qiao Nian's voice was muted, sounding very interested.

Robert still didn't know that his so-called "disciple of Huang Lao Buyuan" was just a lie that Qi Yan made up based on the distance between country Z and country M. The purpose was to plate Jiang Xianrou with gold, so he nodded, very solemnly. Said: "Yes, but Huang will not bring his disciples when he is in poor health."

The people of the Pharmacy Association only talk about their strength.

Lao Huang is not an expert specializing in pharmacy, but he still has outstanding achievements in the medical field. People in the Pharmacy Association have heard his name and respect this master of Chinese medicine very much.

Jiang's delicate lips were about to bite, for fear that Qiao Nian would puncture her lies, on the one hand, it was like being fried in a pan, humiliating and embarrassing.


Tang Wanru was also afraid that Qiao Nian might puncture their lies, her back tightened, and she looked at Qiao Nian vigilantly, always ready to lie for Jiang Xianrou.

She thought about it. In case Qiao Nian exposes their lies, she will say Qiao Nian has only arrived in Beijing for less than half a year, and she doesn't know that things were normal before.

Who knows that Qiao Nian didn't mean to pierce them, only an unexplained ‘oh’, his eyes were very interesting, but the others didn’t say anything.

But it was just a sound, and Jiang Xianrou's face was burning hot, and she couldn't wait to find a place to pierce in.

"Q, that..." Robert wanted to have a few more words with Qiao Nian.

Qiao Nian's Zhong Xian next to him interrupted him impatiently: "Okay, that's it, you don't usually talk so much!"

"I have something to do with her. You play by yourself, let's go first."

Robert touched the tall bridge of his nose and glanced in the direction of Qiao Nian. He was reluctant, but he didn't dare to **** someone from his teacher, so he could only watch Zhong Xianxian lead the girl towards the medicine storage room. Lost…

The relationship between Zhong Xianqian and Qi Yan is still harmonious. Before he left, he did not pay attention to Jiang Xianrou and Tang Wanru, but he gave Qi Yan face and said hello to Qi Yan alone before leaving.

But it was just a greeting, and didn't take it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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