Published at 27th of April 2021 02:58:52 PM

Chapter 15: 15

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Chapter 15 Qiao Nian jumped down to save someone

was heard by an adult standing next to her, and the old man was overjoyed and asked her: "Little girl, you can swim? Great. The child is drowning. You can save him..."

The old man's voice is not small, and this voice attracts people around him to look over.

Everyone wants to save people, but no one knows water.

Qiao looked at the water under the bridge. The river water could not be as clean as the water in a high-end swimming pool. When she saw the muddy river water, she frowned and her eyes flashed quickly with disgust. It's so dirty, and the water is still so fast. She might be life-threatening when she goes down, so she won't take risks for a child she doesn't know.

But with so many eyes looking at her expectantly, she couldn't refuse, Qiao Anxiously bit her lip, his eyes were soft, and his face was embarrassed: "I only studied in the summer class for a few days. The water is not good... Going down will not necessarily save people. Otherwise, I will ask Brother Fu Ge to come over, he is also nearby."

As she said, she took out her mobile phone and looked like she was eager to make a call.

The old man next to her wanted to say where it was too late to call someone, but she was obviously unwilling to go down and save someone, so he could only stand on the side of the road in a hurry.

The waves are hitting high in the water, and the struggling child is about to be submerged by the water.

People onlookers call the police to call the police. People who find ways to find ropes, basins and other things that can float are looking for things...

At this time, a slender figure firmly squeezed the crowd away, put the bag on the side, and jumped down.

"Qiao Nian?!" Some of the girls who followed Qiao Xiao recognized Qiao Nian, and screamed, and said to Qiao who called Fu Ge: "Hey, isn't that your sister?"

Qiao Wei’s family had a fake daughter. The people in No. 1 Middle School have heard about it. They also heard that the biological parents of the fake daughter came to the door. He is a poor teacher in Luohe County.

Qiao Nian did not follow Luohe County, why did he come here?

Qiao Di opened his mouth wide in surprise, but he did not expect that the person who had only met at Shuixiexuan would meet again here.

What to do, she called Fu Ge to come...


The water below is turbulent, Qiao Nian found out that it was not so easy to bring people up after he got into the water.

The child who fell into the water became unconscious after drowning, clutching her neck and flopping, and if it continued like this, he would only be dragged into the whirlpool formed by the water along with her.

"Move again, I will beat you again!"

Qiao Nian was caught in her neck, and there was a burning pain behind her ears. She couldn't comfort the panicked child in the water, she could only grit her teeth, and her voice was low and bluffing.

The child's eyes were wet and beautiful like black jewels. He seemed to hear her, and the movement to catch her was reduced. His little face was dirty by the mud in the water, and he couldn't see what it looked like.

Qiao Nian took advantage of his slow movements, patted him on the back of his neck, stunned people neatly, and swam to the shore holding his soft body in one hand...

The waves came over several times, and she dragged the person in her arms, so she could only drink a few mouthfuls of river water!



Fu Ge arrives first.

squeezed into the crowd anxiously, saw Qiao Wei and her friends in the crowd at a glance, and strode past. Grabbing Qiao's arm, Junrong was worried, and he checked Qiao's up and down.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Seeing him come, Qiao smiled with a shy smile, and shook his head: "I'm fine."

Fu Ge breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine if it's all right."

He then greeted his friends around Qiao Wei: "Hello, thank you for helping me take care of him. Let’s have a meal together next night."

Qiao Qi's two classmates immediately beamed their eyes, and hurriedly agreed: "Thank you Fu Ge, senior."

(End of this chapter)

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