Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:44:26 PM

Chapter 1516: 1516

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Chapter 1516 Sister Nian: This child has a bad brain and likes to call him Dad


Bo Zheng didn't speak, Luo Ming couldn't help asking, "Who is it?"

"Slim waist control."

Bo Zheng: "..."

Luo Ming: "..."

Of course they have heard the name of the thin waist control.

One of the most active main members of the Hongmeng. Usually, the Hongmeng's external contacts rely on fine waist control, but this is also a difficult master.

Miss Qiao is friends with each other?

Luo Ming remembered the first time he saw Qiao Nian. In the coffee shop, he had doubted Qiao Nian's strength very disgustingly.

Although he was conquered by Qiao Nian's strength, he never connected Qiao Nian with places like Hongmeng.

His throat is dry, and his voice is a bit difficult: "Miss Qiao knows people from Hongmeng..."

"It's not weird that she knows people from Hongmeng." Qin Si loves to be an afterthought, and said calmly: "I told you from the beginning that Sister Joe is not here to play. She might help. You guys. The people also stopped her outside and prevented her from entering."

Luo Ming moved his lips and wanted to say-whoever wants to get Qiao Nian will know someone from Hongmeng.

is between the two people talking.

Qiao Nian knocked the Enter key, left the keyboard with one hand, stretched his posture, and relaxed his brows.

"How is it?" Bo Jingxing was the calmest of the few people. Neither he nor Zhang Yang participated in Qin Si's chat with them, and focused on Qiao Nian's situation.

He opened his mouth.

Bo Zheng and Luo Ming, their attention was pulled back again, and they looked in the direction of the girl.

"I'm checking Gu San's phone location, and I have to wait ten minutes."

Qiao Nian put one hand on the back of the chair and picked up the phone with the other, ready to hang up first.

On the voice call, the voice of the thin waist control bluffing came out: "Boss, why is there someone talking on your side, are you outside?"

Qiao Nian stopped for a second, and a string in her head stretched. There was no expression on her face, but her head hurt.

She is in a hurry and forgot to tell the waist control that there are people beside her, so stop talking nonsense.

"Boss? Boss?"

"Boss, are you disconnected?"

Qiao Nian didn't say a word, the people on the other end just followed the clockwork, which pot was opened and which pot was lifted, the voice was not small, and they were still shouting.

Qiao Nian's temples are about to explode, and his fingers ruthlessly interrupted the voice call, put the phone back, and coughed: "This kid has a bad brain and likes to call him Dad."

The audience was silent.

Several people were stunned by the slender waist for several consecutive ‘Boss’ calls.

Especially Bo Zheng and them.

Qin Si only explained to them a few minutes ago that the friend Qiao Nian was talking with was the thin waist controller of the Hongmeng, but how long did it take for the thin waist controller to call Qiao Nian the ‘Boss’.

Hongmeng has only one boss.


Bo Zheng thought of the order message ten minutes ago on his mobile phone, and the answer was ready.

Qiao Nian=Sun.

Rao is well-informed, and he didn't expect a freshman to have a relationship with Sun.

That feeling...

Bo Zheng couldn't digest this blockbuster for a while, no wonder Ye Wangchuan would bring Qiao Nian over to find him at that time.

Just when everyone was stunned and couldn't slow down, the girl spoke calmly and calmly.

"I found their location."


On the other side, torrential rain poured down in Quchi Town, and extreme weather shrouded the sky in Shuangjiang City.

Cuchi has been raining heavily for three consecutive days.

The river embankment was washed down by the flood.

What’s worse is that the only road that can go out is also broken by boulders and mud washed down by the landslide, completely losing contact with the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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