Published at 27th of April 2021 02:55:20 PM

Chapter 152: 152

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Chapter 152 It's All Routines

He didn't believe that Qiao Nian had an improper relationship with that person, and he tended to believe that Qiao Nian had gone to meet someone he knew.

Who will    be?

This Qiao Nian had been chatting with the little guy for a while, and gradually calmed down the irritable little guy.

She suddenly raised her head and asked the man next to her: "You haven't eaten yet?"

It's eight forty now.

They haven’t eaten dinner yet.

How does he bring children?

I don’t know if the child is growing up, do I have to eat on time?

Ye Wangchuan rubbed his eyebrows with a helpless expression: "He refused to eat, so he was making trouble to pick you up early, afraid that it would be too late for dinner. We will be waiting for you outside at six o'clock."

Qiao Nian's mouth twitched.

She just finished school at six o'clock, how could she finish eating so quickly.

Fortunately, Mr. Su is not in good spirits. If they talk for a while, wouldn't they have to wait outside until nine o'clock?

Qiao Nian doesn’t know what to say, a warm current flows across his chest, rubbing the top of the little guy’s head, and discussing with him: "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll ask you to eat."

Ye Wangchuan’s eyes are deep, and he asks her, "You can eat anything you want?"

Qiao Nian is not short of money, so he is not afraid of ordering places like Michelin, and said casually: "Yeah. Anything is fine."

Ye Qichen looked at his uncle and wanted to answer.

Thinking about it, and then thinking about the words that the uncle just threatened him, silently endured it.

I really want to treat my hair. ┭┮﹏┭┮.

Gu San also thinks that Master Wang is trying to blackmail Miss Qiao for a big meal.

Never thought, they are too weak.

"Do you know how to cook? Keep it simple. Anything is fine. We want to eat what you make."

Qiao Nian:...

"Tomato and egg noodles are also ok?"


Ye Qichen didn't expect his younger uncle to be so witty, he nodded and pecked at the chicken: "I also want to eat noodles made by my sister."

Hey, let's get haircut another day.

After getting in the car.

Qiao Nian is returning to Yuan Yongqin's news.

Suddenly a man’s calm and domineering voice came from his side: "The Zhao Jingwei matter, don’t worry, it will be resolved smoothly."

He has already told Mayor Yuan that the city bureau will directly put pressure on it.

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows and said calmly: "I'm not worried. She is an adult. Since she does it, she thinks of the consequences. After finishing it, she realizes that it will be too late."

"She will definitely be punished by what she deserves. Weakness does not mean reason."

Many people always feel that one party is weak, and everyone should let them.

No matter what Zhao Jingwei’s family conditions are, whether she has lost her father since she was a child is not the reason for her harm.

If she didn’t follow up that day and the steel pipe fell down and hit Shen Qingqing, who should Shen Qingqing’s parents cry with?

Unsuccessful does not mean that it never happened!


Phaeton drove back to the villa.

Jiang Li was paralyzed on the sofa. Seeing them coming back, he sat up and greeted them: "Master Wang. Hmm, Chenchen is here too?"

Ye Qichen gave him a stern look, and said triumphantly: "I'll eat tomato egg noodles made by my sister."

"Tomato egg noodles?" Jiang Li was taken aback, looking at Qiao Nian who came in behind, and Baba followed: "What's the situation, Nian Nian you want to cook?"

"Chenchen didn't eat dinner in order to pick me up, so I gave them noodles." Qiao Nian was quite calm, she went straight to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator and asked, "Are there tomatoes and eggs at home?"


Don’t you say that you can wait until you go to college before you start?

He is dedicated to picking up people all day long, and it is a bitter trick that makes Nian Nian cook for him. Isn't he doing this?

Jiang Li spit on his inconsistent behavior while jumping eight feet high: "I want to eat too! I didn't eat dinner either!"

(End of this chapter)

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