Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:43:06 PM

Chapter 1562: 1562

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Chapter 1562 Big boss, there is a shameless pen to follow me

Beijing hotel suite.

Qi Yan walked around in the suite, and finally heard the doorbell ringing, her frowning brows loosened slightly, her tight expression relaxed a little, she walked quickly over and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a raunchy foreign man. He was twenty-seven and eighteen. He looked very young. His features were not bad, and his height was also there.

It's just that he really doesn't like to clean up himself. He is shabby, and he shows a sense of sloppy decadence.

does not give a very good impression on the senses, it is too gloomy.

Isn’t it the Ma Si that Qiao Nian met before in the city?

Qi Yan saw him as if someone fell into the water, grabbing a life-saving straw, and immediately pulled him in, and said anxiously: "You finally came! Quick, help me check Lan Yin's position. I will let the group technology People from the Ministry have searched for a long time and found nothing."

Masi walked in with a computer in his right hand, chuckled, and said in a disdainful tone: "The group of people in the technical department of Hengfeng Group are garbage!"

Qi Yan was a little embarrassed by him, but she couldn't say anything when she asked others.

She closed the door silently, followed in the footsteps of the man, and walked towards the living room.

While eagerly talking to the man about Qi Lanyin’s situation: "Lan Yin has been missing for a long time, and we have used all the methods we can think of. We only found the place where she last appeared. We sent people to look around the place where she last appeared. No one ever."

"You can't find it normal. People have blocked her mobile phone location." Ma Si seems to be accustomed to this kind of thing, not surprising.

He walked to the sofa in the living room, found a place to sit down, and took out the computer in his handbag. The black computer was full of weight, and it looked different from ordinary computers.

He said to Qi Yan concisely, "Give me her mobile phone number."

Qi Yan found the hotel's pen and paper, wrote a series of numbers and handed it to him.

Masi didn’t talk nonsense when he got the things. He focused his attention on the computer, turned on the tracking system he made, and entered Qi Lanyin’s information.

Qi Yan saw the code numbers jumping on his computer, and the green numbers were constantly refreshing, and her heart was finally safe.


The other side, at the same time.

Qiao Nian had just taken a cold shower. The water droplets on her hair had not been wiped off. She walked to the front of the desk and casually opened the laptop placed there.

The phone is placed aside to charge.

At this time, the phone lights up.

The girl leaned against the edge of the desk with her legs on her legs, and stood leaning against the desk, her posture was very irregular.

She stretched her eyebrows, slowly picked up the phone, opened it, and looked at it.

【Guanyan】: Damn, there is a silly pen following me!

Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows.

She knocked on the power button of the laptop with one hand, the computer turned on in seconds, and then connected to the computer at Guanyan.

Sure enough, Qiao Nian entered a few codes and saw a very aggressive Trojan horse program was trying to locate Guanyan’s IP address.

"Heh, it's interesting." Qiao Nian threw the towel aside, pulled the chair away and sat down, with his arms resting on the desk, and the posture looked very big.

She hung down a strand of broken black bangs covering the brow peak, but it couldn't hide the sharp color of her brow bones.

Qiao Nian's hand is so fast that she can almost only see the shadow of her white fingers tapping on the keyboard, one after another counter-code pouring out of her fingers, she seems to type these codes without even thinking about it. .

In less than 20 minutes, Qiao Nian hit the Enter key, leaned back, half-squinted his eyes, and lazily looked at the automatically generated database on the computer...

(End of this chapter)

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