Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:41:20 PM

Chapter 1623: 1623

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Chapter 1623 I didn't expect to be an acquaintance

The entertainment industry is a vanity fair.

There are all kinds of people here, who knows if the little coffee you meet is a big boss behind it.

Wei Xueying doesn't think the other party can recognize any big people, but it's okay to ask.

The assistant immediately told Wei Xueying the name he had inquired from the staff.

Both of them belong to people who have been immersed in the entertainment industry all year round. They are usually not interested in academic things, and they have not noticed any news about college entrance examinations and software professional competitions.

As for chasing light...

In addition to helping Wen Ruxia, Qiao Nian made a few shots, and was very low-key at other times.

In addition, the reputation of chasing light has come to big, strictly speaking, it is not a person in the entertainment circle, and will not accept commercial performances and commercials like celebrities, so let alone passers-by do not understand the information of chasing light, even people in the circle People don’t know much about chasing light.

Neither Wei Xueying nor Zhu Ideal had thought about this...

She sent the name of Qiao Nian from the assistant to her agent, and the agent did not reply to the news for the time being.

I don’t know if it’s busy or not.

Wei Xueying did not dare to call the other party.

After all, Zhao Xin is one of the veteran agents in the entertainment industry, and has brought many famous artists under her hand.

once almost put her cousin Bai Lin on the front line.

Behind her cousin Bai Lin had to go abroad to avoid the limelight because she offended others, and she became the artist under Zhao Xin's hands.

However, Zhao Xin is more than just an artist. She is too young. Zhao Xin only takes care of her cousin because of her cousin's face.

There are other artists to take care of.

Her current assistant is also one of the assistants beside Bai Lin.

Wei Xueying sent a message to Zhao Xin. When she saw him, she didn’t know why she suddenly remembered this incident. She put down her phone and couldn’t help asking him again: “By the way, do you know who my cousin offends?”

"This..." Wei Xueying's assistant showed an embarrassed expression, looking at her helplessly: "Xueying, it's really not that I didn't tell you. I don't know what's going on in that matter! I'm just your cousin's. One of the life assistants usually helps with shopping and contacted the driver to pick them up. I didn’t follow Sister Xin and the others that day. I only knew that your cousin went out to shoot the cover of a magazine on the day of her business accident. Halfway through the filming, people had been blocked by the company. It has something to do with... a hot search."

Wei Xueying heard these words again, she still noticed the main point: "Hot search?"

The assistant knew what hot search she wanted to ask, so she first said: "I don't know what hot search it is. In short, because of a hot search, your cousin was blocked."

"We didn’t even figure out the origin of the other party. Only Sister Xin and your cousin knew what happened at that time. But Sister Xin kept secret about this matter and never mentioned that day to us in the follow-up."

After he finished speaking, he asked Wei Xueying instead: "Xueying, has your cousin mentioned it to you?"

Wei Xueying shook her head with a bewildered look: "No, she didn't tell me, she just told me to be careful in the circle and don't offend people, especially those who shouldn't offend."

The assistant sighed, feeling very emotional: "Your cousin almost got to the front line, just a little bit. As long as there are two more years, and she can get an award, she will be properly aligned. Such a big-name artist will be blocked if she says she is blocked. It can be seen that your cousin is right. Don't offend people in this circle, otherwise you don't know how to die."

(End of this chapter)

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