Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:38:41 PM

Chapter 1711: 1711

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Chapter 1711 Nian Nian just returned my message

She also had a cup of tea from the housekeeper on her hand, but she didn’t drink it, frowning and shook her head: "No."

"He has not contacted me since he arrived in Independence Island. Gu San usually contacted me. Gu San hasn't called me today. I guess there is something inconvenient in his hand."

Ye Lan raised his chin again, calmly and competently: "Let me see if he will call me later. If he doesn't call today, I will find time to call and ask tomorrow."


Old man Ye took a sip of tea, put the tea cup on the table, his eyelids drooped, and he was not very interested. It was obvious that he was worried about Ye Wangchuan's safety in Independence Island.

Ye Lan was a little helpless: "Dad, don't worry too much. Miao Chuan is such a big person and will take care of himself. It's useless to worry about it. It's better to relax and take care of your body. This is the most important thing. of."

The old butler just came over to deliver the cut fruits at this moment. Hearing that he put down the tray, he also persuaded: "Yes, the eldest lady is right. You haven't eaten well these days. Every time you eat a few bites, you don’t put down your chopsticks If you are willing to eat, if you continue to do this, your body will collapse first before the young master comes back."

"Dad, you..." Ye Lan had a headache when he heard that he refused to eat well these days. He stretched out his hands and rubbed his temples, then raised his eyes to look at him.

Ye Maoshan’s seniority is here.

There are not many people in Beijing who are ready to preach in front of him.

Ye Lan is even harder to say as a child.

Elder Ye was so tempered by her expression, he frowned, a little upset, stood up, and took two steps: "I'm just worried..."

"I didn't know that Nian Nian also went to Independence Island before, and that fellow Liang Conglin did, so I wouldn't be notified of such a big thing."

Elder Ye felt even more annoyed when he thought of this. He took two more steps, fell back, walked in front of Ye Lan, looked at her like a torch, and asked, “Ye Keji hasn’t found the reason why Yaomen took the president of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance?”

Ye Lan was taken aback by him, and then he reacted, shaking his head with a dazed expression: "Where is it so fast?"

"..." Old man Ye retracted his gaze, his brows clumped, and he seemed to be more irritable.

Seeing him like this, Ye Lan let out a sigh of relief, and helplessly persuaded him: "Dad, we are not the forces of Independence Continent after all. This is such a big trouble, and all the forces on the Independence Continent have not found out the inside story. How could we an outsider find out the cause in front of them? Don't be too anxious, the lobby brother will tell you when he finds it, you can wait a while before he finds it out."

She looked at Elder Ye again, took out her phone on the table and handed it to him, smiled, and said in a calming tone: "Muochuan didn't contact me, but Nian-nian just returned my message and said she had everything Okay, let me not worry, and said she will be back in two days, you can see."

"Let me take a look." Old man Ye picked up her phone on the table in a hurry, and looked intently.

Sure enough, it was Qiao Nian's message back an hour ago.

What Qiao read back was not much different from what Ye Lan said, and it was a bit more concise. He also told Ye Lan that she might be back the day after tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow is another three days.

Old man Ye put his heart back in his stomach, and then returned the phone to Ye Lan. He could see that his expression eased a lot: "By the way, you let Ye Keji continue to check Yaomen."

(End of this chapter)

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