Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:38:39 PM

Chapter 1712: 1712

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Chapter 1712

Ye Lan took her mobile phone: "?"

Elder Ye didn't hide her from her, he sat back in his position, watching his nose and saying: "I always think that this time our cargo rob is related to the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. Yaomen's arrest of people at this time is worth pondering. "

He thinks a lot.

Ye Lan thought simpler, but still didn’t quite understand what he meant: "Dad, you mean Yaomen is here to help us?"

Elder Ye picked up the tea again, took a sip, and put down the cup again, his eyebrows were still, his slightly muddy eyes were more probing: "Yaomen has always been a major force that has emerged in Independence Continent in recent years. Their background is mysterious. Behave irregularly..."

Ye Lan looked puzzled.

so what?

"Do you remember that Yaomen issued a reward order on the black market a few years ago, looking for the mysterious genius doctor on the black market."

Ye Lan opened his mouth: "What does this have to do with them helping us?"

Elder Ye's pair of tiger eyes has maintained the sharpness of decades, which is by no means the wisdom of Ye Lan's age.

He fiddled with the tea cup slowly, and the tea in the cup stirred. He moved his eyes away and looked far away: "I always feel that the person behind Yaomen is an acquaintance by our side."

In the years when Chenchen's legs were the worst, he noticed that Yaomen was also looking for a genius doctor in addition to looking for experts in the world.

Later, Chenchen's legs were healed, and the upper door on the black market became quiet again, just as the ripples on the lake gradually calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

At the time, he felt it was a little coincidence.

It's just that Yaomen is a force on the Independence Continent after all, so he didn't go into it.

Now think about it, all coincidences always have a reason.

It was such a coincidence again this time, he had to think about it.

"You ask Ye Keji to check it again."

The Ye family’s power is in China, not overseas.

They also have their own staff overseas, but after all, they are not a base camp, and it is not convenient to do things in China.

"Also." Old man Ye thought for a while, his eyes deepened again, and he said in a deep voice, "Remember to tell him, don't let Ye Shan know."

Ye Lan listened more in the clouds and mists, wondering why the father didn’t let Ye Shan know.

But she is better than not asking too much.

"Okay." Ye Lan nodded, just about to stand up and do it.

Elder Ye stopped her again.

Yelan stopped: "?"

Elder Ye fully stretched his eyebrows, looked at her, and urged uneasy: "You wait and read back a message to Nian, tell her to be safe over there, take care of yourself, and ask. What time does she fly back the day after tomorrow... Also, you send her the Ye family's staff in Independence Island. Don't worry about the goods, let them protect the safety of Nian Nian first."

He said a big deal in one breath, Ye Lan almost didn't remember. After writing them down one by one, he smiled and said to him: "I haven't seen you caring about Zuochuan so much. Tsk, that stinky boy should be sad when he knows. !"

"He?" Ye Old Man was expressionless, as if he didn't want to mention it, he waved his hand in disgust and let her go: "He just asked the family to ask for a billion, so he could talk to me and almost took out my coffin board. empty."

Yelan: "..."

Your old coffin board can be more than this number, one billion can only take out one piece of wood for your old coffin board.

But she didn't dare to touch the old man in person, and she knew the current affairs and kept silent.

(End of this chapter)

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