Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:37:50 PM

Chapter 1796: 1796

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Chapter 1796 Wangye: Nian Nian, I'll be back the next afternoon

"President He?" Seeing him in a daze, Ji Ziyin narrowed his eyes slightly and called him again.

Put your fingers on the table and tap lightly.

looked impatient.

After all, there were successive accidents in Independence Island and the illegal zone. She had two arms abolished this time, and she suffered a heavy loss. She still didn't know how to explain to the family when she went back this time.

She was in a state of exhaustion, and a pile of mess was waiting for her to go back and clean up.

Ji Ziyin naturally can't afford much patience: "Did you think about it?"

He Congming looked at her. He couldn't tell what was wrong, and didn't dare to offend her. He could only take a deep breath and nod his head stiffly: "I see. Miss Ji, I will find a way to talk to Qiao Nian."


Ji Ziyin flew away in the evening.

He Congming said that he wanted to talk to Qiao Nian. In fact, he was helpless in the face of this situation, and could not think of a good way for the moment.

After all, he had never thought that he would apologize in a humble manner before, nor had he thought about leaving a way for the Jiang family.

He did everything first.

At this time, I want to go back round again, nowhere is it so easy.


the other side.

Qiao Nian went to the hospital in the afternoon to see Mr. Jiang. The old man was still not awake, but his body indicators were more stable than before.

Jiang Zongnan was awake.

But Qiao Nian didn't look at it, only asked in private when he met Shen Yugui.

When she returned to Rhine, it was just six o'clock in the afternoon.

Put down the bag on the front foot, went back to the room to take a shower, and when the back foot went downstairs to get the water, I received a call from someone from Independence Island.

Qiao Nian still had a mug in his hand, and just took a sip of water, and lowered his eyes to see the name of Ye Wangchuan on the caller ID.

Her eyelashes drooped slightly, she put the cup aside, walked to the edge of the sofa, found a comfortable position to nest up, and picked up the video.

The video is connected soon.

Internet speed is ok.

Qiao Nian didn’t really like the camera facing his face, so he shifted the phone to the left and placed it on the coffee table not far away. He held up his hand with a rather dry eyebrow, and waited for the person who was making the video call to speak first. .

Ye Wangchuan knows her habits, her eyes are deep, her lips are raised, she is in a good mood, and her voice is low and charming: "Niannian, how is Elder Jiang's body recovering?"

Qiao Nian lifted up the broken hair that covered the brow bone, put his hand down in a satiated manner, and casually said, "Fortunately, people are not awake yet."

She paused, and then said: “Professor Shen said that he would wake up in two days, but he didn’t know when he would wake up. I greeted the doctor in the hospital and asked them to call me as soon as they woke up.”


The man on the other side of the phone has a beautiful appearance and a stretched posture. Looking at his background, you can see that he is also at home. The blue and white porcelain vase behind the leather sofa is very eye-catching.

Qiao Nian had seen the vase before when he was playing a video with him in Independence Island, which seemed to be their stronghold in Yaomen.

She couldn't help but glanced, the beautiful black pupils seemed thoughtful. After a while, she frowned and suddenly said: "I heard that Yaomen had taken several strongholds in the Ji family and made Independence Continent. Dog jumping?"

"Hey." The man at the other end of the video moved, like a pine and cypress, and changed his posture. He was clear and expensive, and said lazily, "Who did you listen to?"

Ye Wangchuan smiled slightly, and then lazily said: "Jifeigou won't be able to jump down, but there are a few people in the Ji family that have been decimated."

For example, Ji Ziyin's pulse.

He looked at the **** the other side of the phone again, his eyes waved with nostalgia, and his voice was like a March breeze: "Niannian, I'll be back the next afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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