Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:34:32 PM

Chapter 1911: 1911

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   Chapter 1911 Ji family wants to talk to sister Nian again

  After all, Ji Ziyin’s talents have been able to run wild in Independence Island for many years. If Qiao Nian returns to his ancestors, the Ji family can go up a step further.

  With Qiao Nian's talent, it is possible for the family to have a master of the first research institute in the future.

  Who is willing to give up the huge benefits in front of him?

  Even if arrogant such as Ji’s family, they will lower their noble head in the face of huge interests.

  "Did you not tell her clearly?" Someone looked for a step.

He Lin looked bitter, shook his head, and replied very positively: "I sent a text message to the young lady. She read the text message, but did not reply to me. Later I called her again, and she hung up as soon as she heard my name. I’ll call her afterwards, but I can’t get in anymore."

  Qiao Nian’s reaction made it clear that he knew who he was, but he didn’t want to kill him.

  The big meeting room was deadly quiet again. All the elders of the Ji family looked ugly and couldn't say a word.

  After a long time.

Someone still couldn't help saying: "But she is the blood of our Ji family, and her blood is flowing from the Ji family. How can the Ji family's direct line participate in the assessment of the First Research Institute on behalf of the Nan family. Miss us? Isn't this a big joke!"

  Jijia and Nanjia are both one of the three powers of the Independence Continent.

  Qiao Nian is the blood of the Ji family.

  Qiao Nian did not participate in the assessment on behalf of the Ji family, but on behalf of the Nan family, one of the three major forces in the independent continent...

  If this matter is spread, it will definitely make a big joke!

Ji Lingfeng held the table with his hands and pressed his fingertips on his eyebrows. His face was dry and gloomy. He seemed to be upset by the quarrel. He said in a deep voice, "I am not here to dispute this with my uncles. I am asking everyone for their opinions. Don't recognize people back?"


   "I must recognize it!"

   "Acknowledge! Ji's bloodline has no reason to stay outside."

  All opinions are very unified.

"Okay, I know." Ji Lingfeng's complexion was slightly slow, a pair of deep eyes looked at everyone, and slowly said: "I will find a way to contact her again. Before she comes back, I hope you can keep this safe. secret."

  The people in the conference room are all people who have access to the core of the Ji family. They are different from Ji Ziyin and Ji Xiaozhi, and they don't bother to get mixed up with Ji Ziyin and Ji Xiao.

  So as soon as Ji Lingfeng opened this mouth, everyone expressed their understanding that they would not spread the fact that'Qiao Nian is the bloodline of the Ji family's family.'

  After all, these people knew in their hearts that this matter was of great importance. Before Qiao Nian came back, if they spread the news, it would only be their Ji family who would lose face.

  Ji Lingfeng nodded, not to say more.

  He asked one of the old men to stay, and then let the others go first.

  After everyone had left, Ji Lingfeng spoke softly to the old man who remained: "Uncle Six, do you think you can go there specifically?"

  Before, he always asked He Lin to contact Qiao Nian. Although He Lin was one of his right-hand men, he lacked some identity after all.

  The sixth uncle left by Ji Lingfeng this time belongs to the line of the Ji family, and has a valuable seniority, and is also a person in the punishment hall.

  The old man knew what he meant when he left him behind. He pursed his lips, his old face was serious, nodded, and said, "I know."

   "I will go and talk to her myself."

  (End of this chapter)

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