Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:31:49 PM

Chapter 2006: 2006

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  Chapter 2006 is about to enter the 8th laboratory!

  They enrolled in the first institute earlier than Joe, but in the first institute for a few years, no one has really seen what a level 8 laboratory looks like.

  Wait for Shen Qingfeng and the others to see the level 8 laboratory with their own eyes, only to find that the level 8 laboratory was not as mysterious as the legend.

Laboratory members wearing laboratory dust-proof suits are walking around in the laboratory separated by glass windows. It seems that everyone has something on hand and looks very busy. Almost no one looks outside, and no one notices the outside. 'new member'.

   "What shall we do now? Go in?" Xue Zhu also became nervous, changing from the usual careless and uneasy character, he grabbed his hands cramped and asked Shen Qingfeng next to him.

  Shen Qingfeng was equally nervous, raised his head, and a weak face looked at the leading girl: "Joe..."

  He just wanted to ask Qiao Nian.

  I saw the girl staring sideways coldly into the Level 8 laboratory, as if she was wandering about things.

  As soon as he was shocked, he forgot what he was going to say.

at this time.

The people in the   level 8 laboratory seemed to notice their presence, someone looked at them, and then pointed to them as if they were communicating.

  After that, another person looked at them.

  Shen Qingfeng knows that person and is Cao Yanhua, one of the core members of the 8th laboratory.

  They are the idols of newcomers in the laboratory.

  Cao Yanhua first glanced at them, as if seeing something, was taken aback, then put down the experimental equipment in his hand, talked to the people around him, and walked outside.

  It's not just Shen Qingfeng and Xue Zhu who are nervous now.

  Xu Yidu quietly squeezed the hand on his side nervously.

   Soon, Cao Yanhua came out of it.

  He is dark skinned, not outstanding in appearance, and short in height. He looks quite simple, and he is also wearing a white dust-proof suit.

  He walked straight to the few people outside the glass window, looked around at the few people, and at first glance focused on Qiao Nian.

  The girl wears a peaked cap, and the whole person looks pretty cool.

  The personal style is extremely strong!

   belongs to the kind of people who are hard to forget at a glance.

"Are you newcomers to this assessment?" He smiled and made a short introduction: "I am Cao Yanhua, the team leader of the 8th laboratory. You can call me Brother Cao. During this time you are experimenting. If you encounter any problems in the room, you can contact me, and I will try my best to help you."

  He stretched out his hand and looked very friendly, which made Xue Zhu, Shen Qingfeng and others flattered.

   shook hands with him quickly and introduced themselves one by one.

  Qiao Nian was the last one. When it was Qiao Nian's turn, Cao Yanhua obviously showed a curious expression and was quite interested in Qiao Nian.

  I saw the girl looking at him with dark eyes, nodded to him, and said concisely: "Qiao Nian."


  Cao Yanhua didn't expect her introduction to be so short and did not say any polite words, so she only exchanged names with each other.

  This is too cool, right?

  He was only briefly stunned and smacked secretly, but when they saw Xue Zhu, none of them had a special reaction, and they knew that Qiao Nian was mostly this character, and he was a type with few words, and was not aimed at him.

   Cao Yanhua recovered, and said to a few people: "You follow me."

   "I will show you around the 8th laboratory."

  He led the way, Qiao Nian, Shen Qingfeng and others followed him into the 8th level laboratory.

  (End of this chapter)

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