Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:31:41 PM

Chapter 2011: 2011

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  Chapter 2011 No, I made an appointment with a friend tonight

  At this moment, the girl pulled down her peaked cap, revealing a delicate and eye-catching face, her beautiful black pupils are clear and cold, and she said: "I have no time at night, I have an appointment with a friend."

   Straightforwardly rejected Cao Yanhua!

   Cao Yanhua was even more embarrassed immediately: "Ah, Qiao Nian, everyone else in the 8th laboratory is going to pick up the dust for you"

  Qiao Nian carried the black shoulder bag on his left shoulder, and gave a gratitude, standing cynically, with a very loose and cold tone: "Excuse me, I have an appointment tonight. Next time."

  Cao Yanhua had nothing to say at once.

  He knew in his heart that people didn’t have time and no time to eat his meal, but he didn’t accept this form of ‘compensation’.

  He is not a difficult person, but he has been in the 8th laboratory for a long time. Even though he realizes that he has done a bit too much today, he can’t apologize to a group of newcomers.

   Cao Yanhua pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said to her: "Then I will send you out."

   "En." Qiao Nian had no objection.

  Qiao Nian took the lead in rejecting today’s meal. Shen Qingfeng, Xue Zhu, and Xu Yi also had no objection, and stood on her side.

Several people followed Cao Yanhua out of the 8th laboratory.

Cao Yanhua was in a torment all the way. When he sent people to the corridor outside the 8th laboratory, he still couldn't hold back, stopped, and invited the girl again: "Qiao Nian, you really don't follow us. Shall I have dinner together? I have made appointments. Xie Xinyao and the others have agreed to go, and I can introduce you to you at that time."

  He was talking about a group of people in the 8th laboratory.

  It is said that the people in the First Research Institute can know the people in the 8th laboratory, and it is a golden opportunity to have a good relationship with these people.

  After all, ordinary people can't reach the members of the 8th laboratory.

  Cao Yanhua's eyebrows moved slightly, thinking that Qiao Nian didn't know the curves and interpersonal interactions inside, so she was just about to call her.

   "Brother Cao." At this moment, a voice came from outside the corridor.

  Cao Yanhua looked up and saw Ji Ziyin walking towards him.

  In a blink of an eye, Ji Ziyin has already walked up to several people.

  Ji Ziyin also noticed the girl next to Cao Yanhua, she was the last time she met Qiao Nian because of the WAL forum.

  Qiao Nian has not come to the First Research Institute these days, and she has never seen Qiao Nian again.

   Seeing Qiao Nian standing with the three of the 10th group and Cao Yanhua, she quietly squeezed her fist.

  When she walked in front of Cao Yanhua, she raised her head slightly, and she had recovered her usual grace.

He took the initiative to greet Cao Yanhua, as if he hadn’t seen Qiao Nian them, inviting: "Brother Cao, I was talking about looking for you, but I didn’t expect to meet you here. That’s the case. I will have a birthday in a few days. Banquet, are you free? I want to invite you to attend."

  She behaves generously and talks well.

  At first glance, it is the temperament cultivated in a generous family environment.

  Ji Ziyin also sent an invitation to Cao Yanhua: "This is an invitation letter, Brother Cao, you must come if you are free."

  She greeted her with a smile and sent the invitation again. Cao Yanhua was not easy to refuse, so she had to accept the invitation first, and did not say whether she should go if she was vague.

   turned around and asked Qiao Nian: "Qiao Nian, you night..."

  His voice hasn't finished.

  The girl had finished responding to a message. She raised her eyes and she seemed to see Ji Ziyin. She raised her eyebrows and glanced back, then retracted her gaze. She was very arrogant and said simply and concisely: "My friend has booked a place, next time."

  (End of this chapter)

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