Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:30:47 PM

Chapter 2037: 2037

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   Chapter 2037 Don't hide it, he knows


  Moxi three steps and two steps and a trot all the way to pull the door for Qiao Nian.

  The girl walks behind.

  Wait when she walked to the front of the opened car door, raised her cap, revealing a delicate face, her dark eyes glanced at Mossi.

  See Moxi standing still in front of the car door.

  A trace of helplessness flashed under Qiao Nian's eyes, he pressed his lower lip and got into the car first.

Moxi respectfully closed the car door for her again, and went around a long way to get into the driving position. After he got in the car, he turned on the air conditioner on the car with a foresight, and looked at the person sitting behind through the rearview mirror. The girl suddenly lowered her voice and said, "Miss Qiao, don't worry. I will not mention what happened just now."

  Moxi finished this sentence, still beating his heart.

  If he hadn't experienced it personally, who would have thought that a ‘Tubaozi’ who was rumored to be not Independence Continent was actually a direct line of the Ji family!

  Ji family lineage has withered since 20 years ago. In the generation of the monarch monarch, there is only one continuation under the name.


   Even if Ji Nan is not engaged in black powder-related business, his position in the Ji family is equally important.

  It can be seen how rare and precious the blood of the direct line is!

  He never expected that Qiao Nian would be related to the Ji family, and that he would still be in the same blood line of the Ji family.

  Since he trot to open the car door for himself before, Qiao Nian knew that he was going to bring it up, so he took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

  He did not look up.

   "It doesn't matter if you say it."

  Moxi just wanted to show his loyalty, saying that he would not say: "Miss Joe, don't worry, I won't say it, I know this thing can't be said nonsense, when you want to tell the paranoid, you can tell him."

  Qiao Nian finished editing the message and just sent it out. When she heard this, she finally lifted her eyelids, her black eyes were black and white and pure: "He knows."


  Qiao Nian successfully sent the message, so he put the phone away, changed his posture, and stayed in a more comfortable position.

   "He knew it earlier than you."

  Qiao Nian paused, and after running around all day, she was already a little sleepy, so she half-folded her eyelids and covered her beautiful eyes: "So it doesn't matter if you say it or not."

  Mosi was completely speechless now.

  In addition, he could see through the rearview mirror the unconcealable tiredness on Qiao Nian's face, and he was very perceptive and did not continue.

  Instead, he asked Qiao Nian where he was going.

  Qiao Nian reported the address of Ye Wangchuan’s residence in Independence Island.

  Mosi starts the car without saying a word.

  The red Lamborghini drove away like an arrow from the string.

   disappeared at the intersection of Ji's old house.


  In the first research institute.

  Everyone in the 8th laboratory is very busy.

  None of Qiao Nian, Xu Yi, and Shen Qingfeng came today. Only Xue Zhu came to report. Everyone in the 8th laboratory didn't say anything, and their attitude towards them became more and more indifferent.

  Only Cao Yanhua took the time to show Xue Zhu to a few small experiments.

  One of the experiments was led by Xie Xinyao.

  Xie Xinyao blacked her face all the way, as if someone owed her one hundred and eighty thousand.

  Xue Zhu was worried about Xu Yi's safety, and she was too lazy to care about the unfriendly eyes of some people headed by Xie Xinyao.

  She only treated herself as blind.

  Absent-minded onlookers finished the experiment.

  Until Xie Xinyao took off the white gloves used for the experiment, she followed Cao Yanhua, who was walking by, and said, "Brother Cao, I am a little tired, and I want to go to the next room to rest. Can you?"

  (End of this chapter)

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