Published at 21st of January 2022 07:43:54 AM

Chapter 2205: Miss Qiao, the Ji family is here

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Chapter 2205 Miss Qiao, people from the Ji family are here

"Tsk." The girl chuckled with delicate eyebrows.

"..." Ji Ziyin saw the open arc at the end of her eyes, and her heart sank inexplicably.

She always felt that the other party would not let it go this time.

After a moment of anxiety.

Ji Ziyin's eyes flashed, and then a trace of contempt passed.

What if Qiao Nian guessed it, she has no evidence to prove that she did it, so no one can move herself!

"I really want to talk to you." After all, Ji Ziyin has been in the Ji family for twenty years. After all, he is quite bluffing when he is serious: "Qiao Nian, what happened?"

It’s a pity that the person she faces is not someone else.

is Qiao Nian.

Anyone who knows Qiao Nian's temperament knows that Qiao Nian doesn't play these virtual things at all!

She laughed and playfully: "Ji Ziyin, don't you know that Aunt Xie was poisoned?"

Ji Ziyin opened his mouth, and immediately showed a surprised expression: "Thank you for being poisoned, I don't know. When did it happen? How is my aunt's body now? Are you okay?"

Qiao Nian narrowed his eyes and looked at her as if he was worried about Xie Tingyun, then he babbled, a little lazy: "I let you down."

Ji Ziyin pinched the palm of her hand and barely squeezed out a smile, as if she didn't care about Qiao Nian taunting her, and smiled slightly: "Aunt Xie is fine."

Qiao Nian looked at her as if sneered.

Ji Ziyin first turned his eyes away, as if to react, and proactively said: "Qiao Nian, don't you think I did this thing?"

The girl had half of her face covered by a peaked cap, only showing her chilled jaw. Hearing this, her dark eyes looked at her: "Oh, didn't you do it?"

Ji Ziyin took a deep breath. In the girl's eyes, everything about her seemed to be invisible, but she bit her tongue and held it back abruptly: "I don't know."

Qiao Nian seemed too lazy to discuss with her who did such a boring question.

Ji Ziyin's anxiety became stronger.

at this time.

Someone hurried in from outside.

Ji Ziyin only saw an obvious scar on the man's face, which made his originally tough face look like a chilling aura.

Mo Dong walked in quickly. He didn't mean to avoid Ji Ziyin at all. When he didn't see her, he respectfully said to the girl: "Miss Qiao, the Ji family is here for someone."

Qiao Nian curled up the corners of his lips, with a dry look in his eyes: "Come here very quickly."

A glimmer of hope ignited in Ji Ziyin’s eyes, and the anxiety in her heart suddenly disappeared. She looked at the girl with a slightly provocative look, and smiled Yingying: "It seems we only have another appointment next time."

"Aunt Xie, I will take time to visit her in the hospital. If it is convenient for you, you can tell me the address of Aunt Xie’s hospital..."

Ji Ziyin seemed to be ready to get up and leave.

A mobile phone was suddenly thrown in front of her. The girl who was lazy before, seemed to be too lazy to take care of her, stood up, lowered her eyes, and her dark eyes seemed to have a beast about to rush out.

"Ji Ziyin, I look so irritable?"

Ji Ziyin couldn't move all of a sudden, and the smile on the corners of his mouth also solidified, and his momentum was suddenly suppressed: "..."

"I look so easy to provoke, so you dare to challenge my bottom line again and again, and still feel that with your back on the Ji family, I dare not take you?"

The girl’s voice was extremely dull, as if she was talking to her calmly as if she was really telling her.

(End of this chapter)

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