Published at 21st of January 2022 07:42:57 AM

Chapter 2260: Sister Nian: I'm here

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Chapter 2260 Sister Nian: I'm here

"This..." Everyone in the sanatorium looked at each other, and no one knew who should listen to the current situation.

Elder Jiang seemed to be extremely disappointed in her. He kept his eyes closed and let Jiang Xianrou deal with him. He had already seen life and death a long time ago.

The more he looks like this, the more Jiang Xianrou shakes his hands, biting his lip, looking at the old man with his scarlet eyes closed, and lowering his voice: "Grandpa, do you think I dare not do anything to you?"

"..." Old man Jiang didn't lift his eyelids, he still didn't care about her attitude.

"I'm desperate!"

"..." Old man Jiang still didn't open his eyes to look at her.

"I told you, I have nowhere to go, don't force me!" Jiang Xianrou was itchy with hate, and the knife pressed on his neck cut a blood mark directly on the old man's neck, scaring the doctors and nurses. They were all in a cold sweat and wanted to stop her from acting madly.

"Miss Jiang!"

"Jiang Xianrou, don't do this!"

Jiang Xianrou looked at them again, this time a bit more vicious in his eyes, and threatened viciously: "I'll give you another ten minutes, and immediately call Qiao Nian! My patience is limited to you! Don't push me !"

In order to prove that she did it well, she pressed the knife in with force, and the blood stains on Old Man Jiang's neck became more and more obvious.

The medical staff of the nursing home turned pale with fright.

Someone couldn't stretch it anymore: "What should I do now? Call? Mr. Jiang didn't let us fight. We did. Will Mr. Jiang be angry afterwards."

"Now it's too late to call the police."

People look at me, I look at you, no one dares to admit this consequence.

Jiang Xianrou has been watching the time, seeing that no one is calling yet, she is angry and crazy, holding the old man Jiang and urging again: "I want to see Qiao Nian!"

Seeing that things are going in an unpredictable direction.

Behind everyone, a girl’s cold voice came from behind them——

"I am coming."

Everyone turned their heads.

I saw the girl wearing a sweater + hoodie as always, walking in the direction of Jiang Xianrou coolly, a pair of dark eyes casually but hidden sharp, as if staring at a top hunter who is a dead prey. On Jiang Xianrou's body.

"Aren't you going to see me? I'm here."

Qiao Nian walked forward step by step, everyone unconsciously gave way.

The slender old man Jiang who kept his eyes closed and refused to pay attention to Jiang suddenly opened his eyes, his eyelids trembled, and his mouth opened sternly: "Niannian, go back!"

"Jiang Xianrou, the person you are looking for is me. You let the person go and I will go over." Qiao Nian didn't look at him, his eyes kept falling on Jiang Xianrou, still not stopping, and he walked forward step by step.

Jiang Xian's soft bones stood upright. The moment she saw the girl appear, her eyes were full of madness. She sneered and held Old Man Jiang back away: "Qiao Nian, you treat me as stupid. If I let Grandpa go, Would you still listen to me obediently?"

She passed the knife in, and said sharply: "Stop!"

"You go one step further, I'm not welcome."

Old man Jiang’s blood stains on his neck were more obvious, and it looked particularly eye-catching.

Qiao Nian’s eyes suddenly became cold, and immediately stopped, stood still, opened her hands, and signaled that she did not go forward: "I haven't gone forward, don't move your hands."

(End of this chapter)

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