Published at 21st of January 2022 07:42:37 AM

Chapter 2283: Ambition is more than this

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Chapter 2283 Ambition is more than this

Feng Yu's face was sinking, and he walked around in the office and returned, standing in front of Shi Fu, and said in a deep voice, "I guess her ambition is more than this. She wants to contact Martin not only, but also the hidden world behind Martin. family."

Shi Fu raised his eyes to look at him, not knowing the inside story of the Ji family.

Feng Yu continued: “As far as I know, since the incident happened two months ago, Ji’s family has obviously wanted to abandon her. Probably because of this, she wants to find a stronger backer than Ji’s family.”

"But how did she know the Hidden Family and Martin?" Shi Fu couldn't help asking.

These are all secrets in Independence Continent, and only a few people know the absolute power hidden outside Independence Continent.

Feng Yu guessed the person behind Ji Ziyin without thinking: "Gu Hengbo."

Shi Fu frowned, showing a look of intense disgust: "He?"

Feng Yu did not respond, and felt extremely disgusted with Gu Hengbo's behavior in his heart.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Shi Fu suddenly remembered and asked him, "When will Qiao Nian come back? Have you told her about this?"

Shifu now knows Qiao Nian's life experience, he has heard a little bit from Nan Tianyi, so he is very attached to Qiao Nian.

Feng Yu shook his head and pondered for a moment: “I haven’t told her for the time being. She’s back today, so let’s wait for her to rest.”

Shifu is fine.

Feng Yu remembered one thing, raised her eyes and smiled and said to him: "I plan to hold a banquet for her in the evening, how about, are you free? Go together?"

Shi Fu has always disliked attending these private gatherings, but this time, he just thought for a while and readily agreed: "What time? I'll clean up early in the afternoon."

Feng Yu told him the time, and said: "I haven't asked her if she has time at night, and I will tell you when I am sure."

Shi Fu gave a cry and got up to go back to the laboratory.

Feng Yu watched him leave, his eyes fell on the tablet he had thrown aside, sighed, picked up the phone and went to the side to make a call.


Joe reads the villa and goes back to the room to put things.

She poured out all the things in her backpack. Inside were two changes of clothes, a laptop, and some gadgets.

Qiao Nian put the clothes on the bedside table, and then took the notebook to the desk and put it down. As for the odds and ends, she threw them all into the drawer.

Just then, Feng Yu called.

Qiao Nian looked at the electric display, walked over and bent over to pick up the phone, and said casually, "Hello?"

Feng Yu told her about receiving a banquet in the evening.

Qiao Nian frowned, looked at the laptop on the desk, turned back to the desk, and just turned on the laptop and refused him by the way.

I thought about it, then changed my mind: "Where are you at night?"

Feng Yu reported a location.

Qiao Nian looked at the time and agreed.

She hung up the phone, turned and leaned on the edge of the desk, her legs wrapped in jeans were shapely and straight, which was very eye-catching.

She lowered her head and opened WeChat again, and found out the message Zhou Zhou sent to her.

Qiao Nian stared at the news for a while, put the phone back in his pocket, took the cap and went down first.

Downstairs in the living room.

Gu San and Qin Si are also sorting things out.

Qin Si has always been a mess, too lazy to die. He threw the box back to the room and left it alone. He collapsed on the sofa like an uncle. Seeing the girl coming down, he straightened up and said hello: "Sister Joe, are you done?"

(End of this chapter)

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