Published at 21st of January 2022 07:41:46 AM

Chapter 2342: The attitude of the Chamber of Commerce...

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  Chapter 2342 Attitude of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance...

  Qiao Nian looked at the food piled up in his bowl, rubbed his eyebrows, raised his eyes, and said, "Do you think I am a rice bucket?"

  Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, raised his thin lips, and gracefully handed over a dish of digested fruit: "Don't worry, I won't despise you."

  Qiao Nian hasn't spoken yet.

   Ye Lan saw what the two people were talking about. As if remembering, he called the waiter and asked the girl loudly, "Niannian, do you want to have porridge."

  Ye Wangchuan cast a ‘look’ at Qiao Nian.

  Qiao Nian was silent. Faced with Ye Lan’s enthusiasm, she pursed her lips, slowly picked up the chopsticks, and coughed: "Aunt Ye, I have almost eaten, so I don’t need porridge."

Ye Lan turned his head and asked the waiter to give Qiao Nian another white fungus soup, and smiled back and said to the girl: "Okay, we don't eat too much at night. I'll give you a white fungus soup. You can drink less and support. Stomach."

  Qiao Nian's temple suddenly jumped, and slowly picked up the chopsticks in Ye Lan's expectant gaze: "Thank you Auntie Ye."

  After the waiter delivered the white fungus soup that Ye Lan had ordered for her, Qiao Nian was having a headache on how to eat it.

  At this time, Ye Wangchuan crossed one hand to grab the bowl, and said to Ye Lan lightly: "I just want to eat white fungus."

   Ye Lan gave him an angry look: "Would you like to order it yourself?"

  Ye Wangchuan had a lazy attitude, and said very lazily: "Oh, I am used to eating soft rice."

   Ye Lan was stuck in his throat with a word, and couldn't find anything to say about him for a long time.

  Time passes by minute by minute.

   arrived in half an hour soon.

  Ye Shan looked at the time on the watch and showed an expression of ‘I just know’, just to remind everyone that half an hour has passed.

   "It seems that the time has come, the person you are talking about..."

  She hasn't finished speaking yet.

  The box door was knocked.

   Ye Keji's eyelids twitched, and he instinctively looked in Qiao Nian's direction. He didn't see any anxious look on the girl's face, but rather calm, he felt confident.

   Then he said to the outside: "Come in."

   "Sorry to interrupt." The people outside are very polite.

  Until Ye Keji made a sound, he opened the door gracefully.

   Ye Keji was already a little surprised when he heard that person's voice.

   Soon he saw the man pushing the door in.

  The man is in his forties, blond and blue-eyed, and looks very gentle. He has not had time to change his dark green suit. It can be seen that he hurried over from a formal occasion, and he didn't even have time to change his clothes.

  This person is not only known by Ye Keji, but also by Ye Shan.

  She looked astonished, she had stood up from her position, and lost her voice: "President Simon?"

   Simon looked around the box, his eyes only paused slightly on Ye Wangchuan's body, seemingly suspicious.

  But he didn't have time to think so much, and quickly fixed his eyes on the girl sitting there eating.

"Miss Qiao." Simon completely ignored Ye Keji and Ye Shan, and walked over to the girl quickly, greeted eagerly, and said: "Ms. Qiao had time, why didn't you tell me? I knew you were coming to InterContinental for dinner. I'll send someone to arrange it."

He didn't seem to even notice Ye Lao and Ye Lan. He only looked at the people in the full box, then turned his head and said to the girl: "Ms. Qiao should move to the box next door, besides me, there are also the Arbitration League and a few People from this alliance want to see you."

  (End of this chapter)

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