Published at 21st of January 2022 07:41:43 AM

Chapter 2346: I found the ID, it's Gu Hengbo

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  Chapter 2346 I found the ID, it’s Gu Hengbo

   Replaced by him, people like Ye Shan can never be reused.

  Ye’s family can guarantee that she will have nothing to worry about because of her father, but will not give her a chance without a bottom line.

  Master Ye...After all, his heart is too soft!

  Ye Wangchuan stretched out his hand and rubbed the black hair on the top of the girl’s head, and said softly: "Don't worry, I won't let you be wronged."

  Qiao Nian did not move for a long time. It was only then that he had digested the background of the dog's blood. He immediately put his hand on his chin and couldn't help but smile: "Do you think I care about this?"

  Ye Wangchuan frowned, his dark and deep eyes were bottomless, turned on the air conditioner for her, and replied slowly: "I care."

  Qiao Nian looked at him with his eyes for a long time, and saw his tight jaw line, and seemed to be still angry about Ye Shan.

She pointed her eyebrows with her fingertips, and smiled helplessly: "Grandpa Ye wanted me to get to know the people of the Ye family. He didn't expect Ye Shan to embarrass me. Actually... Ye Shan didn't embarrass me either. The embarrassing thing is herself."

   "...So, no matter from the process or the result of this matter, I did not suffer." Qiao Nian came to the conclusion easily.

  She has clear eyebrows, exquisite facial features, and she can see that she is relaxed and reckless: “So you don’t need to embarrass Grandpa Ye and Aunt Ye.”

  What else does Ye Wangchuan want to say.

  Qiao Nian’s phone rang.

  She took the mobile phone in her bag with her hand on the seat, leaned back, and turned on the phone screen to find that it was a group message from Hongmeng.

  Qiao Nian narrowed his eyes and opened the group.

  [Slim waist control: Is the boss here? Boss Boss, call Boss. ]

  [Guanyan: Is there something wrong with your brain? You want to talk to Sun directly. ]

  [Slim waist control: Haha, I found the ID that the boss is looking for, and labor and management are not allowed to let you see what the speed of a real man is? ]

  [Guanyan: Short and fast? ]

  [Slim waist control:...I'm **** you! ]

  Qiao Nian edits the message with both hands and sends it over.

  [Sun: Who? ]

  The group was quiet for a few seconds, and I could see that the thin waist control was editing the message.

   Not surprising her.

   Soon the side of the thin waist control sent over the news that I organized myself.

  [Slim waist control: This SB bought the domain name of an overseas virtual server, I hacked that server, and after checking it for a long time, I found him. It is also interesting to say that the address of this ID is also in the First Research Institute. I can't get into the system of the First Research Institute. I will send you his original IP, and you can check it yourself. ]

  Slim waist control chatted with Qiao Nian an IP address privately.

  After getting the IP address, Qiao Nian took the bag from the back row and found out his portable tablet computer from the bag.

  The tablet was quickly assembled into a small computer by her.

  Qiao Nian opened a hacker programmer, and he moved extremely fast. It didn't take ten minutes to hack into the system of the First Research Institute.

  She then input the ip sent to her by the thin waist control.

  Backhand an Enter key.

  Qiao Nian left the keyboard with both hands, waiting without squinting for the search results on the screen...

  Ye Wangchuan started to turn over the tablet in her bag, and waited quietly for her to check things first, and did not speak during the whole process.

  Qiao Nian has hacked into the system, it is only a matter of time to check an IP.

  Sure enough.

  It didn’t take long.

  An accurate identification message appeared on her tablet screen.

  Qiao Nian saw the identity information above, and he couldn't help but curled up the corners of his mouth, showing a sneer expression, and said: "It's Gu Hengbo."

  (End of this chapter)

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