Published at 21st of January 2022 07:41:19 AM

Chapter 2374: Sister Nian wants to break into Ji's house

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  Chapter 2374 Sister Nian wants to forcefully break into Ji's house

  On a speeding sports car, Guan Yan is in charge of driving, while Qiao Nian sits in the front passenger seat with a notebook brought from the villa on his lap.

  She tapped her slender fingers on the keyboard a few times, and saw that the various Tianyan systems of Independence Island had blocked the information about the Yanyan sports car.

  Watching Yan while driving, he looked at Qiao Nian’s progress from the corner of his eye. Seeing the girl leave the keyboard with her hands, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Boss, you got it done?"


  Qiao Nian opened the window of the car, took out the phone and turned it into flight mode, and turned off the positioning system in the phone, so that no one would find her on the way.

After she finished all this, she watched the inkstone curled up her red lips, winked like silk, and smiled: "Ten minutes and thirty-six seconds, the boss, your speed is faster than last time. But you don't tell them this time, yourself Go alone, they know when you look back, how are you going to explain to them?"

   "There is nothing to explain."

  Qiao Nian coldly pulled the zipper down and drew the zipper to the neckline. His eyes were only cold, and there seemed to be a sleeping lion hidden in it that might wake up at any time.

   "The place I'm going to this time is too dangerous. If they follow along, they will only accompany me on the adventure. There is no need for it!"

  Guanyan was immediately pricked: "...such a dangerous thing, why have you never forgotten to call me?"

   Qiao Nian glanced at her, as if she could see her through: "You won't put yourself in danger, so it's okay to call you."

  Looking at Yan, she lowered her eyes and couldn't help but smile: "Yes."

  She has no other abilities, she runs very fast in danger.


  The red sports car quickly drove over the winding road like a bolt of lightning, and reached a wooded, relatively hidden place on the mountainside.

  Guanyan stopped the car steadily and got off first.

  Qiao Nian got out of the car after him.

  She pointed to a magnificent manor building below, Nu Nuzui, and said to Qiao: "The old house of the Ji family is right below."

  Qiao Nian has seen the whole picture of the old house of Ji’s family, and I have to say that the place where the inkstone stepped on is very poisonous. This is half a mountainside. They will not be discovered by nearby surveillance, and they can overlook the whole inside of the old house from above.

  Guanyan took out a telescope from the car and threw it to the girl: "Oh, boss, you can see clearly with this."

  Qiao Nian caught the binoculars, adjusted the magnification and placed it in front of him.

Guanyan pointed her to the approximate direction of their goal this time, and then looked at the girl who looked at the whole picture of Ji's old mansion with a blank expression on her spectacles, her red lips were pursed, and her face was rarely worried. "Boss, you really want to forcefully break into the Ji Family Punishment Hall?"

   "I'm looking for something." Qiao Nian slowly took away the eyeglasses, and already remembered the map of Ji's old house in his heart.

  Guanyan glanced at her deeply, then retracted her gaze: "I know. You are looking for the clues your mother left for you."

  Qiao Nian returned her sight glasses.

Guanyan looked at her again, and persuaded: "Actually, you can ask the Ye family to help you, or you can also find the Dean of the First Research Institute. You just go to the Ji family alone... To be honest, the risk factor is too high! I'm worried that something will happen to you. Turning my head back to control that second person, I'm going to talk about me again."

  Independence Zhou Ji’s home is a place where you can just start?

  She is usually arrogant enough to do things.

  To tell the truth, compared with Qiao Nian, Guan Yan now only feels that his previous troopers are not enough! Don't worry if Qiao can't get out of the mountain, as soon as he gets out of the mountain, he has to go to Ji's house!

  The difficulty factor of this thing is comparable to a hard drive to Buckingham Palace.

  (End of this chapter)

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