Published at 21st of January 2022 07:41:00 AM

Chapter 2397: those are my things

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   Chapter 2397 Those are my things

   Ji Ziyin came prepared, of course she wanted to make a good impression on him. So he politely refused: "Mr. Yu, sit down, I'll just stand."

Yu Qingliu didn't expect that he had left her alone for an hour. She was neither angry nor annoyed, and she could show her favor in a courteous manner, so she couldn't help but raised her eyelids and looked at her more: "You are the one from Ji's family who sent me an email. junior?"

  Ji Ziyin bowed her head neither humbly nor arrogantly: "Yes. I'm very sorry to disturb Elder Yu."

  Yu Qingliu looked her up and down again, picked up the water on the table slowly, and asked her, "Why do you have my mailbox?"

   Ji Ziyin calmly said what she had prepared a long time ago: "My teacher once had a relationship with you, and it was your email number that he gave me."

   "Your teacher is Gu Hengbo?" Yu Qingliu lowered her head and took a sip of water without changing her face, then slowly put the cup back and asked her slowly.

   Ji Ziyin was obviously nervous: "Yes."

   "Gu Hengbo has a bad reputation in the Independent Continent, but you are still willing to have a relationship with him." These words were both sarcastic and tempting.

   Ji Ziyin raised her head and said solemnly, "I am a teacher for one day and a father for life. The teacher is very kind to me."

Yu Qingliu glanced at her again, but did not reveal Ji Ziyin's imaginary attitude of giving her a high look, but said indifferently: "Of course he is very kind to you, otherwise he will not occupy the research results of his team members for you. ."

   Ji Ziyin changed her face slightly and looked at Yu Qingliu suddenly.

  Yu Qingliu was looking at her at the same time.

   As soon as Ji Ziyin's eyes met Yu Qingliu's gaze that seemed to see through her, she quickly lowered her head like a dog fleeing in a panic.

   "I didn't know what the teacher did for me before. I thought he gave me his research results."

   "Oh, don't say anything to bluff children." Yu Qingliu didn't save her face at all: "I don't care about these things you said! I'll just ask you a question, and you can answer me honestly."

   Ji Ziyin's heart sank, but when she heard that he didn't care about the previous bullying incident, she felt relieved a little, looked up and said, "Mr. Yu, please speak."

  Yu Qingliu didn't go around with her: "Are the things you sent to my mailbox your own?"

  Ji Ziyin had thousands of thoughts going back and forth in her mind, but in just a short moment, she made a decision. Under Yu Qingliu's gaze, he nodded slowly and firmly said, "It's mine."

  Yu Qingliu himself doubted her. Seeing that she dared to look directly into his eyes and admitted that it was hers, she believed it by three points.

   Not long ago, he received an unfamiliar email in his mailbox. The email signed by Ji Ziyin wrote him a lot of items related to weapon manufacturing.

  The Hidden Family has always attached great importance to the development and research of high-tech weapons, but in recent years, the First Research Institute has not researched anything useful.

The appearance of    Ji Ziyin is undoubtedly a perfect opportunity for him.

  The Hidden Family is an interest body that is twisted together by hundreds of forces. The Yu Family spent three generations of hard work but barely squeezed into the circle of the Hidden Family.

   He is very famous outside, but he is only one of the last family in the hidden family, so the descendants need to play a 'function' in the hidden family to ensure that their family is not kicked out of the hidden family.

   Martin's poor performance this time made the boss very angry.

  If he can seize the opportunity to prove himself, even if he can't let the Yu family go a step further... It would be great if he could replace Martin as a new external hub!

   Ji Ziyin was the way he chose to let the Yu family go further.

   (end of this chapter)

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