Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:42 AM

Chapter 2419: They want to get out of the body again, I am afraid it is a dream!

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   Chapter 2419 They want to get out of their bodies again, I'm afraid it's a dream!

  The burly man thought of the shame of failing to complete the task this time, and the punishment for causing trouble before they left... After thinking about it again and again, he chose to let Xu Yi go: "It's cheap, kid!"

  Xu Yi was kicked on the chest by him, and he vomited a mouthful of blood and threw himself on the ground, forcing himself to stand up again.

  Huang Mao stopped looking at him, greeted his men and prepared to get in the car: "Let's go, let's go see each other."

  Xu Yi barely stood up. He staggered as he watched those people get into the car one after another, heard the conversation between the two, and vaguely heard Qiao Nian's name in the wind.

He gritted his teeth, watched the car go away, stood there and waited for a long time before returning to the pharmacy to buy gauze, iodophor and some anti-inflammatories from the clerk, wrote an IOU to the clerk, and stumbled with a bag of medicine of leaving the pharmacy.

   When Xu Yi returned to the door of his house, he found a few more cars of unknown origin below.

   He didn't change his face just now in the face of life and death, but at this moment his face changed slightly, and he quickly ran home without caring about the pain in his body.


   He knocked on the door, and the door quickly opened inside.

   is a woman with a very bright and beautiful appearance. She looks very young. As soon as she sees her, her beautiful eyes narrow and her tone is irritable: "Damn, how did you do it? Who did it!"

  Xu Yi was startled for a moment and looked inside.

   His mother and Qin Si are both inside, and there are some strangers at home, some of them are familiar faces, such as the scar face he saw at the dinner party before.

  Xu Yi remembered that Qiao Nian had called him by his name, what was Mo Dong?

   There were also several people around Feng Yu checking their bodies.

Xu Yi knew that they were acquaintances of Qiao Nian, and his tense nerves relaxed one night. He nodded to Guan Yan at the door, raised his hand to wipe off the blood on the corners of his mouth, and then walked in and handed over the medicine: "I bought the anti-inflammatory medicine. ."

   Qin Si and Mother Xu looked up to see his embarrassed appearance. Mother Xu ran over to check him up and down in distress, and kept asking him who he had met.

Xu Yi comforted her in a low voice, walked back to Mo Dong, Qin Si and Guan Yan, took a deep breath, couldn't help but said, "I met a few people when I went to buy medicine, and they were called away by a phone call. Yes. I heard them mention... Qiao Nian's name."

   "What?!" The people from Yaomen were treating Qin Si's wound. His muscles were immediately involved when he moved, and he broke out in cold sweat.

   Guan Yan slapped him back with a slap: "What are you doing? Rub the medicine well! My mother's medicine is very expensive."

   "But Sister Qiao..." Qin Si was still worried.

   Guan Yan's beautiful eyes calmly glanced at him: "Do you think Sun is a weak chicken like you, anyone can pinch it twice? Take care of yourself."

   Qin Si was in a daze, and this time he performed very well.

   Guan Yan's tone slowed down again, and said, "I contacted her just now, and the people she made an appointment with. And the arrogant master you know is also by her side, she will be fine."

   Qin Si heard that Ye Wangchuan was also beside Qiao Nian, and finally put down a heart that was hanging up: "That's good, that's good."

   Guan Yan turned his head and took a photo of Xu Yi's face, then edited the message with both hands and sent it to Qiao Nian calmly. Putting away the phone, he said, "It's okay for the other party to attack Feng Lao this time. Even the two of you are so miserable... I don't think SUN will let them leave the Independent Continent completely!"

   Qiao Nian's bottom line has always been there, that is, you can move her, but don't move the people around her. The K organization is afraid to kick the iron plate this time!

   They want to get out of the body again, I'm afraid it's a dream!

   (end of this chapter)

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