Published at 7th of February 2022 02:32:03 PM

Chapter 2438: Feng Yu woke up

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   Chapter 2438 Feng Yu woke up

   Gu Fan heard her say this, tears rolled down his cheeks and refused to give up: "How come. My dad has been gone for a day and a night, you can think of a way."

   "I've already figured out a way for you, don't worry." Ji Ziyin was impatient to listen to her ramble any more, raised her hand and called the waiter to pay the bill.

   Ji Ziyin's phone just turned on. She looked down and saw a message from Yu Qingliu. She told her that the laboratory was ready, and asked her to go over and take a look.

   She immediately reverted to her heart like an arrow, and was unwilling to waste time with Gu Fan, Gu Hengbo and others.

   Since she successfully reached Yu Qingliu and the hidden family behind Yu Qingliu, now Gu Hengbo and the First Research Institute are all things of the past in her eyes.

   If it wasn't for Gu Fan who came to ask her for help finding someone, she wouldn't even bother to contact Lu Yiming to find Qiao Nian for her.

   Since Lu Yiming didn't answer her call, Ji Ziyin felt that Gu Hengbo might not be saved this time.

   She didn't want to be held back by someone at the critical moment of her success, even if this person was a teacher who had taken great care of her.

  After the waiter came to check out, Ji Ziyin took the wallet back into her bag, looked at Gu Fan again, restrained the impatience in her eyes, and comforted her hypocritically.

   said at the end: "Since the teacher is not at home this time, you have to take good care of the wife and the others. I believe the teacher will be back soon."

   Gu Fan wanted to say something else.

   Ji Ziyin grabbed ahead of her: "You can come to me if you have something."

  Gu Fan couldn't help showing a grateful expression, after all, the Gu family had fallen to the point where no one dared to help them in the Independent Continent.

   Ji Ziyin was willing to help them, Gu Fan was very grateful, and she forgot that her original intention to find Ji Ziyin was to let Ji Ziyin help find out Gu Hengbo's whereabouts.

   "Thank you, Sister Ji."

   Ji Ziyin said elegantly, "You're welcome."

   Turning around, Ji Ziyin took her things, got up and said to Gu Fan, "I still have something to do, you continue to eat, I'll go first."


  Gu Fan was too embarrassed to let her go, even though he was still worried about Gu Hengbo, he could only watch Ji Ziyin hurriedly leave the western restaurant.


  Qiao Nian was very tired this time. He basically slept in the villa for the next few days. Occasionally when he woke up, he would either stay in the room and do not know what to do, or go to the hospital to visit Feng Yu.

   Qin Si suffered from skin trauma and was discharged back to the villa the next day.

   Guan Yan came to see him once on the way, and bought some fruit for the first time.

  Qin Si valued those fruits very much. As soon as Guan Yan walked on his front foot, he grabbed all the fruits from Gu San's hand regardless of his arm injury and hid them all in his room.

  Because Qin Si was recovering from his injuries at home, Ye Wuchuan basically stayed in the villa these few days and didn't go anywhere, which also led to the fact that people from Yaomen came to look for him every day in the villa...

   There were several times when Qiao Nian came down to drink water and saw a few raw faces, not from Yaomen, she was probably from other forces in Ye Wangchuan.


  Feng Yu woke up on the fifth day.

   Doctor informed Qiao Nian immediately.

  Qiao Nian did not delay, and immediately drove to the hospital.

   In the ward, Feng Yu had just woken up, and there were nurses around the bed to measure his blood pressure.

   He turned his head and saw the girl who hurriedly entered the ward. Feng Yu saw her, his eyes were soft, he sat up and waved, smiling: "You're here, come and sit down."

   (end of this chapter)

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