Published at 7th of February 2022 02:31:53 PM

Chapter 2451: Sister Nian: Grab it directly!

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   Chapter 2451 Sister Nian: Grab it directly!

Guan Yan didn't ask her what she wanted to get back, but piled up the supplements she bought from shopping on the table and pushed them to the girl: "By the way, I bought some medicine for you. You can see what you can eat and leave it! Slim waist control also paid for it. Others are taking children in Beijing, and they can't get through for the time being, so I asked me to buy his share."

  Qiao Nian looked at the tonic that was piled up on a hill in front of him, his temples throbbed, looked at her with dark eyes, and said dryly, "I can't eat so much."

   "It's okay, you can eat as much as you can." Guan Yan just stuffed her all the supplements.

   Having said this, I remembered something: "By the way, I haven't seen Da Ji bubbling in the group for a long time, and I don't know what he is busy with recently."

   "Is the illegal zone busy?"

  The three of them were in charge of the Independent Continent, the Red Alliance and the Mining Industry.

  Daji is playing with you on the line of the diamond boss. I usually deal with outlaws in F continent, and usually stay in F continent and rarely come back.

   But he likes to bubble around in groups.

   In the past, when they chatted casually in the group, Daji would show up and join in the fun.

   In recent times, I have rarely seen him.

   She just asked casually, and didn't really take this matter to heart. After all, everyone is an adult and has their own business to be busy with. If they are not online, they will not be online.

   She forgot about it as soon as she mentioned it, and turned around to introduce the supplements she bought to Qiao Nian.

  Qiao Nian listened to her absent-mindedly, but he didn't mean to be impatient. He lowered his head and picked up the phone while listening to what Guan Yan told her.

   At this moment, a WeChat message was uploaded on her mobile phone.

  【D: There are several people from the hidden family nearby. 】

   Qiao Nian returned directly.

  【Grab directly. 】


the other side.

   Ji Ziyin's negotiation was unsuccessful this time. Shortly after Qiao Nian left, she left the restaurant and asked the driver to drive the car to the laboratory. She had to keep an eye on the progress to be at ease.

   Her laboratory is where Yu Qingliu contributed money and efforts behind the scenes. This time, she has attracted many people from the First Research Institute.

   Ji Ziyin's rhetoric to win over these people is also the same as the previous set of rhetoric, and directly moved out the two signs of the hidden family and Yu Qingliu.

   Sure enough, there are not a few people who are willing to follow her.

   She also pulled a few people from the Level 8 laboratory.

   Including a few good followers who have been playing with her before.

   In addition, the people from Xie Xinyao's small gang also brought her over. Except for a little fat who was unwilling to give her face, most of them were very knowledgeable about current affairs.

  The group of them went to the laboratory in private, and they continued to check in at the First Research Institute on the surface.

   Ji Ziyin's car was parked outside the laboratory.

   She took the elevator up by herself, and as soon as she entered, someone greeted her attentively: "Miss Ji."

   Ji Ziyin saw that the flattering person didn't look good, so she went in with a 'um'.

Although Liao Quan felt embarrassed, he still followed Ji Ziyin step by step with a smiling face, and reported the progress of the experiment to her: "The previous worm wheel has been completed by 80%, and there is still a little bit left, and it will take about three years. day time..."

  The two were talking.

   Ji Ziyin was also checking the progress of other projects in the lab on the tablet that Liao Quan handed him.

  Suddenly she heard two muffled noises outside, as if someone had fallen.

   Before Ji Ziyin could react, she saw a group of people barging in from the outside, each with a weapon, and it looked like it was not easy to mess with.

   (end of this chapter)

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